H - Negotiations

HA      Professional Personnel Negotiations                                                                    

HAA    Legal Status

HAB    Goals and Objectives

HAC    Scope of Professional Negotiations (Cf. HAIC)

HAD    Board Rights and Duties

HAE     Board Negotiating Agent

HAF     Superintendent’s Role

HAG    Professional Staff Rights and Responsibilities

HAH    Professional Staff Negotiating Organization (Cf. GBS, GDS)

HAHA           Method of Determination

HAHB            Privileges

HAI     Bargaining Meeting Procedures

HAIA             Time and Place

HAIAA                   Time Limits

HAIB              Notification

HAIC              Agenda Determination (Cf. HAC)

HAID              Distribution of Information

HAIDA                    Research Assistance (Cf. EFDB)

HAIE               Quorum

HAIF                Rules of Order

HAIG               Minutes and Records

HAIH               Progress Reporting

HAIHA                    To Staff and Board

HAIHB                    To Press and Public

HAII                 Payment of Costs


HAJ     Preliminary Agreement Disposition


HAK   Ratification and Implementation Procedures


HAL   Announcement of Agreement


HAM  Impasse Procedures


HAN   Professional Personnel Job Actions

            SN Includes Board strategy in the event of actions such as

                 Slowdowns, walkouts, boycotts, or strikes.


HAO   Amendment and Renegotiations Procedures