Field Trips and Excursions

Field Trips



Field trips are to be educational in nature. Only those field trips that grow out of the instructional program are to be permitted on school time. Other trips such as band trips should be confined to non-school time, except where the school is engaged in an activity, competition or contest that requires use of school time.

            Students must have written permission from their parents to participate in field trips involving school or contracted transportation.


Field trips should:


a.)                          Be directly related to some topic being studied in school, or be related to the reward component of the school system’s elementary school assertive discipline policy.

b.)                          Include only those students currently studying the topic or only those students being awarded.

c.)                          Include trip preparation prior to the field trip and follow-up after the trip.

d.)                         Have approval of the building principal.

e.)                          Include adequate supervision by school personnel and, if necessary, chaperones.

f.)                           Have approval of the Director of Transportation if school transportation is involved. Two weeks advance notification for a bus is required.

g.)                          Trips outside the state of West Virginia must be approved by the Clay County Board of Education.





Approved:  July 1976


Revised:  February 17, 1992