DJED - Bids and Quotations

File:     DJED



Bids and Quotations


A.        Record of Bidders:     A record shall be kept by the secretary or the  purchasing agent of all persons, firms, corporations, or others to whom bid forms are sent and to persons who obtain copies of the bid forms.


B.        Rules for Bids:            A representative of the Board to whom the bids are addressed shall cite the time and place designated on the bid forms for the opening of bids, and shall, at such time and place, oopen the sealed bids and publicly read them aloud.


1.      No bid shall be withdrawn after the schedules closing time for receipt thereof.

2.      Any bid received after the bidding has closed shall be returned to the bidder unopened.

3.      Any bidder may withdraw his/her bid at any time prior to scheduled closing time for receipt of bid.

4.      Any time prior to the opening of bids, a bidder may change or modify his/her bid in the same manner in which the original bid was executed and submitted.


C.        Public Reading of Bids:          At the time and place set for the opening and reading of bids, each and every bid received prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of bids shall be publicly opened and read aloud, by the Board’s representative, irrespective of any irregularities of informalities in such bids. The public reading of each bid shall include at least the following.


1.                  Name and address of bidder.

2.                  For lump sum contracts, the lump sum base bid and the bid for each alternate.

3.                  For unit price contracts, the unit price for each item and the total, if stated.

4.                  The nature and the amount of security furnished with the bid, if requested.


D.        Recording of Irregularities:     If any bid or security furnished therewith is irregular, or informal, the facts must be noted and publicly announced at the time of the reading thereof.


E.         Only One Bid:                        In cases where only one bid is received, such bid shall be publicly opened and read aloud in the usual manner.


F.         All bid prices must be submitted on forms provided or approved by the Board of Education.


G.        All quotations must be f.o.b., Clay, West Virginia, unless otherwise stated.


H.    Bids must be for the article or articles specified unless the words “or equivalent”  are   inserted. Where substitutions “or equivalent” articles are permitted and offered, samples of such substitutions “or equivalent” articles must be with the bids when requested.





 NOTE:      See State Board of Education Policy #4334 for the procurement of school buses.




Adopted:   July 1976



 Reference:             School Laws of West Virginia, 18-5-2a



 Clay County Board of Education