Staff Rights and Responsibilities

Staff Rights and Responsibilities


Teacher Responsibilities


            All members of the staff are working together to promote the welfare of the pupils. In the final analysis, however, the effectiveness of the educational program is determined by the degree sense and minister to the needs, interests and abilities of the children. The Board of Education, therefore, considers the teacher the key personality contributing to the success of the students in the schools of Clay County, recognizing that only a mentally, physically, socially and emotionally healthy and mature individual can function with maximum effectiveness.

            As members of a profession, teachers should realize that there will be occasions, beyond the normal school day, when their services will be needed for various educational activities. They will be expected, therefore, to participate when called upon in such in-service activities as curriculum improvement, study programs, school community projects and extra-curricular activities. Since the principal is the recognized professional leader of his/her school, it is with him/her that teachers should discuss their organization, administrative, and instructional problems before presenting them to the Board of Education. Teachers should likewise encourage parents to discuss with them matters pertaining to the individual classroom situation prior to conferring with the principals. In short, it is the desire of the Board of Education that all matters be discussed and problems solved by those immediately concerned and are taken to higher authority only when adequate satisfaction cannot be obtained otherwise.

            In fulfilling his/her obligations to the student, the public, and the profession, the teacher should strive to:

1.                  Be friendly, concerned and willing to give extra time to counsel with students about educational as well as personal and related problems.

2.                  Use his/her professional skill and understanding to prevent small classroom incidents from becoming major problems.

3.                  Deal justly and impartially with all students under his supervision.

4.                  Exhaust all possible means of solving problems within his area of responsibility.

5.                  Organize his work in a manner that will encourage student interest and involvement for the full period of instruction.

6.                  Be loyal to the school board, principal, and the school to which he/she has been assigned.

7.                  Be responsible for solving routine problems and holding conferences with parents concerning problems encountered by their children.

8.                  Be present and responsible for starting and ending classes on time.

9.                  Be responsible for the supervision of all students and correcting misbehavior wherever it may occur.

10.              Never hesitate to call for assistance from superiors or other teachers if the situation requires it.

11.              Uniformly practice and enforce local school rules and regulations concerning conduct.








Adopted:         July 1976






























Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia 8:7:7





Clay County Board of Education