CEB - Duties of the Superintendent

File:     CEB


Duties of Superintendent


            The Superintendent is the chief executive, administrative officer, secretary and educational advisor of the school system and to the Board. He/she shall be required to devote his/her entire time to the office of Superintendent and have all administrative powers and duties that are not required by statute to be exercised directly by the Board or by some other officer. The Superintendent’s principal responsibilities and duties shall be as follows:


A.                General leadership and management


1.      Provide educational leadership and coordination for the school system.


2.      Recommend to the Board guiding principles for the business

administration and professional supervision of the schools.


3.      Help the Board keep the public informed concerning the school program and its needs.    


4.      Help develop and maintain good working relationships and professional understanding between administrators, principals, and teachers.


5.      Provide staff meetings for staff-development opportunities and for discussion and planning for proper operation of the school system.


6.      Be responsible for the general management of the school system under rules and regulations prescribed by the State Board of Education and under the policies of this Board.


B.                 Executive officer and Secretary of Board


1.      Provide members of the Board with all necessary data to enable them to keep informed about the school system of the district.


2.      Notify Board members of all meetings and furnish them with an agenda of the items to be taken up at such meetings.


3.      Attend all regular and special meetings of the Board, as well as all committee meetings, unless excused by the Board for special reasons.


4.      Keep all minutes of the Board, and of committee meetings.


5.      Maintain complete files of School Board and Board committee minutes.


6.      Administer oaths and examine under oath witnesses in any proceedings pertaining to the schools of the district and have the testimony reduced to writing.


C.                 Financial support, records, reports, business operations


1.      Recommend plans to the Board for providing adequate financial support for the school system.   


2.      District the preparation of and be responsible for the execution of the annual financial budget.


3.      Supervise closely and certify the expenditure of all school funds so that the maximum good is provided for each dollar spent and that all funds are spent consistent with the laws of the state of West Virginia.


4.      Formulate and recommend salary schedules for all employees for the Board’s consideration and approval.


5.      Provide for accurate records of all business transactions.


6.      Give specific financial reports to the Board, State Department of Education, and other departments or agencies which require such reports.


7.      Oversee the operation of the transportation system for the school children of the county.


8.      Be responsible for the operation of the school lunch program.


9.      Be responsible for all purchases made with Board funds.


D.                School Personnel


1.      Select and recommend the appointment of competent professional, business, maintenance, custodial, and clerical staff employees.


2.      Make recommendations to the Board concerning retention, transfer, promotion, and dismissal of all school personnel.


3.      Make every effort to develop and maintain respect and confidence among the administrative staff as well as the principles, teachers, and other school employees.


4.      Sign all contracts with teachers.



E.                 School plant facilities


1.      Recommend to the Board provisions for adequate utilization, operation, maintenance, and insurance of all Board property.


2.      Recommend to the Board plans for additional buildings and/or renovations of existing buildings for the entire school system.


3.      Direct the planning and financing of new school buildings and major renovations; provide for proper supervision of new construction and major renovations by assignment of a specific member of the administrative staff to this responsibility; recommend to the Board the appointment of architects and/or engineers.


4.      Provide comfortable conditions for all school personnel within the limits of the financial structure of the school system.


F.                  Educational program


1.      Provide for long-range planning and development of the educational program.


2.      Make recommendations to the Board in connection with the school curricula and plans for up-grading the school program as often as is necessary.


3.      Direct supervisors and principles in the development and operation of in-service training for the improvement of instruction.


4.      Inform the Board and the public, through proper reports, on the effectiveness of the school program and the instructional needs of the schools. Serve as the Board’s chief public relations officer.


5.      Keep the Board, as well as school personnel, informed on modern trends and practices in education.


6.      Put these practices, plans, and programs into effect if approved by the Board.


7.      Provide for suitable advisory committees composed of staff members, principles, teachers, and the public to work with him in developing broad plans for the school system.


Adopted:         July 1976

Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia, 18-4-10, 18-4-11, 18-5-25, 18A-2-7,
