Food Service Management

Food Service Management


            The Clay County Board of Education, in cooperation with the West Virginia Department of Education and the United States Department of Agriculture, administers the National School Lunch Act and/or the Child Nutrition Act.  As a result, a type “A” school lunch is served daily in all elementary schools and the one consolidated secondary school.  Lunches are available to all the students who are present at lunch time.

            Standards and procedures for the school food service program are governed by the Clay County Board of Education and guidelines established by the United States Department of Agriculture and the West Virginia Department of Education.

            Board policy prohibits the sale of foods other than Type “A” school lunch, milk and breakfast in the school lunchroom during appropriate periods.  Non-nutritional foods shall not be sold on any part of the school campus during any part of the school day.


Purpose of School Lunch


The County Superintendent of Schools shall:


The County School Lunch Supervisor shall:


The Principal of each school shall:


The teacher shall:


The cafeteria worker shall:


Adopted:  July 1976













Reference:  Policies, Rules and Regulations, West Virginia Board of Education, Article

       IV, c, Series 4000, 4321; Clay County Board of Education Minutes 11-5-73;

       West Virginia School Lunch Handbook, West Virginia State Department of



Clay County Board of Education