Textbook Selection and Adoption

Textbook Selection and Adoption



For required classes, only textbooks that have been approved and listed on the state multiple lists of textbooks by the State Board of Education shall be used in Clay County schools. Using the state approved list, the superintendent, or his/her designee, shall request sample copies of textbooks from textbook publishers. These books shall be furnished to the County Board. Shipment and handling of books shall be in accordance with School Law 18-2a-5.

            Upon recommendation of the County Superintendent, the Board shall, with the aid of a committee of not more than 15 members, select from the approved texts one or more book(s) or series of books for each required subject and grade to be used as the exclusive basal textbook(s) in the county for a period of six years. The committee, which shall be approved by the Clay County Board of Education, shall make the selection no later than May first of the year following the one in which the textbook list was composed and approved.

A parent advisory group will be formed each year and will have input into final selections made by the committee.

After the board has formally adopted the basal textbook(s) for use in the county, the Superintendent shall send a list of the books adopted to the State Board of Education. The list shall be sent by May 15, and shall be certified by the president of the Board.


Adoption Schedule:


Group I                                Reading, Literature, and Spelling 

Group II                               English, Handwriting, Grammar, and Oral Communication

Group III                              Social Studies, West Virginia Studies, Foundations of Democracy, Art, and Music

Group IV                              Mathematics

Group V                               Science and Health

Group VI                              Combined Subjects in Kindergarten, Correlated Language Arts, Driver Education





Adopted:  July 1976


Revised:  November 1982


Revised:  June 1985


Source:  School Law 18-2a-5