CGBAD - Director of Early Childhood

File:     CGBAD


Director of Early Childhood


            The job description for the Director of Early Childhood will be as follows:

1.      To write an approvable program by State Department, local County Superintendent and local Board of Education standards.


2.      To implement this program in an approved manner working closely with teachers, principals and transportation director.


3.      The Early Childhood Program as designed by the Honorable Governor of West Virginia is a program which requires the use of all departments and agencies having services with Early Childhood Education a provided by NEW at a local, state and federal level.


The Director is charged with the responsibilities of investigating and becoming

familiar with all these services and secure the use of these services for the children of Clay County to the fullest extent that can be approved by the guidelines of those programs.




Adopted:         July 1976




Clay County Board of Education