Emergency Drills




Special drills will be planned by the local school principal and staff to assure the orderly movement and placement of students in the safest available areas.


Fire Drills


An orderly plan for evacuation of students and staff, in case of fire, shall be developed by the principal and staff of each school in the school district. Plans shall be developed in cooperation with the local fire department officials and rules and regulations as may be set forth by West Virginia and the State Fire Marshal's office. Fire drills shall be conducted in accordance with the School Fire Drill Safety Report published by the West Virginia State Fire Marshal's Division. Fire exit plans shall be posted in each school in all rooms occupied at any time by students and should be included in the handbook.


Civil Defense Drills


Local school principals shall cooperate with local Civil Defense officials to plan and implement drills that would help to insure the safety of students and staff in the event of a national or local emergency.










Adopted: July, 1976

Revised: April 6, 1992