BBA - Officers

File:     BBA


Board Officers


            On the first Monday of January, following each biennial general election, the Board of Education shall elect a president and vice-president from its own membership to serve for a two-year term. On or before the first Monday in May of each year, the board may appoint a treasurer after recommendation by the Superintendent. The treasurer shall be the fiscal officer for the board, or an employee commonly designated as the person in charge of the financial affairs of the county board or the sheriff. Once a board has appointed a treasurer other than the sheriff, the sheriff shall not be named treasurer of the board in a subsequent year. The Superintendent shall serve as secretary to the board.


Note:   In accordance with H.B. 695, election dates will change beginning the year 1981. At this time the board will elect on the first Monday of January 1981 a president for a term to expire the thirtieth day of June 1982. On the first Monday of July following the primary election in the year 1982 and each biennial primary election thereafter, each respective Board of Education shall organize and elect for a two year term a president from its own membership. The name of the person elected shall be promptly reported to the State Superintendent of Schools.


Adopted:         July 1976


Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia, 18-5-1c, 18-9-6


Clay County Board of Education