BDE - Policy Review

File:     BDE


Policy Review


     The development of sound educational policies is a complex and continuous process. The Board, Administration and Policy Development committee members fully realize the need for continuous input from school district personnel, students and lay citizens. It is realized by all concerned that the policy statements contained in this manual may contain inconsistence and/or errors and will need to be revised and updated periodically. Your help is solicitant in making this policy manual both functional and informative. To insure orderly policy revision and to inform all interested persons of the policy revisal process, the following procedures will be utilized:




      When it becomes apparent that a need exists for a revision, deleting or adding a policy statement the person(s) involved should:


1.      Make this need known, in writing, to their immediate supervisor. The written statement should identify the discrepancy in the policy statement and their suggested alternative(s) for correction.


2.      The supervisor involved will transmit the written statement through their supervisor(s) to the Superintendent of Schools.


3.      The Superintendent of Schools will submit the recommended policy change to the appropriate staff for consideration and advice.


4.      After review and consideration, the Superintendent of Schools will submit the policy to the Board for consideration.


Adopted:         July 1976

      Clay County Board of Education