CEA - Qualifications of Superintendent

File:     CEA


Qualifications of Superintendent


            To be eligible to be elected to the position of County Superintendent, the applicant must hold a valid West Virginia certificate authorizing him/her to serve as Superintendent. He/she must have had 5 years of administrative experience in public school teacher and/or supervision. He/she must also have a master’s degree, or its equivalent from an institution of higher education approved to offer graduate work in public education, plus thirty (30) additional hours of graduate work.

            A newly elected Superintendent must also file with the President of the Board a health certificate in the format prescribed by the State Department of Education certifying that he/she is physically fit for the duties of the office.




Adopted:         July 1976





Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia, 18-4-2, 18-4-4




 Clay County Board of Education