Professional Development Opportunities

Professional Staff Development Opportunities


            The Board recognizes its particular responsibility to provide opportunity for the continual professional growth of its professional staff.  Such opportunities shall include special in-service courses and workshops, assistance from supervisors and consultants, and—within budgetary limitations—school visitation and attendance at professional conference and meetings.

            It is the policy of the Board that a program of in-service training be established to provide an opportunity for the continuous professional and technical growth of teachers.

            As a result of the operation of this policy, staff members will become knowledgeable regarding new developments and changes in their specialized fields and will utilize new and improved methods in practice.

            The administrative staff employing administrative and management techniques consistent with modern management development, will provide leadership which will assist each staff member to make a maximum contribution to the school system’s effort to provide a quality educational program for all students.



Adopted:  July 1976

























Clay County Board of Education