IDFC - High School Marching Band Auxiliary Policy


High School Marching Band

Auxiliary Policy



The purpose of this policy is to inform auxiliary members, parents, and prospective auxiliary members of various guidelines and procedures of the High School Marching Band Auxiliary.  In addition, this policy is provided to communicate to students and parents the responsibilities of auxiliary squad members. 




The members of the auxiliary squad are representatives of the school and community.  As such, members should strive to be exemplary in conduct and performance.  The primary purposes of the auxiliary squad are:


1.               To add visual enhancement and color to the musical performance utilizing a challenging activity that combines equipment work with flags, rifles, batons, and dance; and


2.               To be a supporter of the band and the school.  The support is directed into two major areas:


a.      To help raise the level of fan support for the band.


b.     To participate in the athletic activity known as an auxiliary squad.  The auxiliary member is to perform twirling skills with flags, rifles, and batons, marching techniques, and dance movement for keeping the crowds attention focused on the field when the band is performing.




·       Participants will be selected based on the results of a competitive audition (try-outs) as follows:  


a.      An organization meeting will be conducted to provide information for interested participants.


b.     A sign-up sheet will be utilized to collect names and contact information about interested participants.


c.      A list of skills that must be demonstrated, and upon which candidates will be judged during the try-outs, will be provided to the participants.


d.     A training will be conducted for the participants on a Saturday prior to the official try-outs, for the purpose of demonstrating the skills upon which candidates will be judged, describing the format of the try-outs, and making candidates aware of any other materials, equipment, and/or preparations that must be made as part of the try-outs.


e.      Official try-outs will be on a Saturday following the training session.  Candidates will be judged competitively by a panel of three judges, based on the list of skills provided to the candidates.  The panel of three judges will consist of a band director, twirling instructor, and drum major.    


·       Participants must be enrolled as a tenth, eleventh, or twelfth grade student at the high school and have performed as an instrument playing member of a high school marching band for one (1) semester prior to auditions.


·       All students MUST have a physical before try-outs.


·       Before participating in events, all auxiliary squad members are expected to demonstrate the ability to perform fluently the skills and routines learned at practice.


·       The auxiliary squad members are expected to work together as a team.  Cooperation and effective communication are critical elements of a successful auxiliary squad.   


·       If a bus is provided by the county, all auxiliary members are expected to ride the bus to the event.  Following the event auxiliary members may be signed out by a parent/guardian.  The sign-out sheet will be maintained for official record-keeping purposes.


·       The auxiliary member must be present at school the day of the event.  The high school athletic policy will serve as a guide when partial absences, late arrivals, doctor’s appointments, or related events occur that affect a member’s attendance on the day of a performance.  In the absence of a doctor’s excuse, a minimum of ½ day (two ninety-minute blocks) attendance is generally required.    


·       Members of the auxiliary are expected to exhibit a standard of conduct consistent with rules established by the school and county for participation in extra curricular activities.  Such rules are established in County Policy JHD governing extra curricular activities conduct and discipline, as well as high school band and athletic policies.      




Good attendance and on-time arrivals are vital to a well-prepared squad.  Every auxiliary member must be considerate of the program as a whole.  Anticipated absences or anticipated difficulties that may potentially affect attendance should be discussed with the auxiliary coach ahead of time and members should always try to call if they are going to be late.



















During practice, auxiliary members must have proper practice attire – shoes, shirt and shorts, and any type(s) of athletic brace(s) that may be needed.


·       Auxiliary members are expected to participate and follow directions given by the coach with a spirit of cooperation and teamwork.




·       Auxiliary members are to arrive at the band room at the designated time.  This will be approximately 6:00 p.m.; the band director or auxiliary coach will notify members of the exact arrival time. 


·       Members are to arrive dressed and ready to participate for home games.  For away games, members must bring their uniform and necessary items for upcoming event.  Uniforms are not to be worn until arriving at the visiting location.


·       Auxiliary members are expected to exhibit a spirit of cooperation and teamwork in following the band director’s or coach’s directions during home and away games.


·       At away games, each member is expected to be accompanied by another member of the auxiliary/band at all times.  Members should always stay in groups of at least two.


·       When auxiliary members are being transported from away ball games by their parent(s)/guardians, auxiliary members and their parent(s)/guardian are responsible for signing the transportation sign-out sheet.


·       Auxiliary members are expected to take care of (pack up, secure, put away, pick up, etc.) all equipment before leaving.




·       Members of the auxiliary are expected to exhibit a standard of conduct consistent with rules established by the school and county for participation in extra curricular activities.  Such rules are established in County Policy JHD governing extra curricular activities conduct and discipline, as well as high school band and athletic policies.  Disciplinary procedures resulting from rules infractions may include verbal and/or written warnings.  Repeated violations or more serious offenses may result in a member being side-lined, suspended, or removed from the team, subject to a hearing with the school principal. 


·       Should a member quit or be removed from the team, the school is under no obligation to reimburse the member, or parents/guardians of the member, for expenses incurred for the purchase of clothing, equipment or other related items.


·       In keeping with the high school athletic policy, auxiliary members assigned to the Alternative Learning Center are eligible to perform in practices, games, or other events after 3:00 p.m., on the day the Alternative Learning Center assignment is completed.  However, there is no guarantee the auxiliary member will perform in games and other events, as lost practice time may also be considered.


·       The band director and auxiliary coach will be responsible for enforcing this policy, under the direction of the school principal.  Violations, verbal warnings, and written warnings should be reported to the school principal.  Disciplinary action that involves members being side-lined or suspended from games or events, or removed from the team, is subject to approval by the school principal.   



Approved: 4/20/10

Effective:  4/2010

Clay County Board of Education    










As the parent/guardian, I give permission for ______________________________ to

                                                                                                (Student Name)

participate in the Clay County High School Marching Band Auxiliary Program.  I have


read the High School Marching Band Auxiliary Policy.  I understand that auxiliary


members must abide by the policy. 






Name of Participant (Please Print)



Name of Participant’s Parent/Guardian (Please Print)



Signature of Participant’s Parent/Guardian



Signature of Participant


