CGBAB - Qualifications and Duties (Principalship)

File:     CGBAB


Qualifications and Duties





Principals in the elementary and secondary schools shall hold valid administrative certificates appropriate for their assignments.




            The school principal is responsible to the Superintendent of Schools.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities:


a.       Organizes and utilizes staff, available facilities, equipment and material to provide the best educational program possible.


b.      Develops procedures to insure a school atmosphere which is conductive to a good educational program.


c.       Provides for proper use and are of school building and grounds by pupils and teachers and alerts the maintenance department to any condition which creates a safety hazard.


d.      Maintains accurate and complete records of all financial matters affecting the school.


e.       Instructs all school personnel concerning county school policies which affect them and operates the school in conformity with such policies.


f.       Serves as a liaison person between the school and the community to build good public relations and to develop within the community an understanding of the Clay County School System and the individual school’s educational program.


g.      Encourages staff members to participate in activities that promote professional growth.


h.      Studies the operation of the school—procedures in the classroom, in clubs and other activities.


i.        Is familiar with developments in instructional and extracurricular programs, both locally and nationally, and evaluates the instruction and activities in his school in light of these developments.


j.        Completes accurately and punctually all reports required in connection with the operation of the school.


k.      Accepts professional assignments at the county level for the general improvement of the educational program.


l.        Keeps the appropriate persons at eh county administrative staff level fully informed of problems and developments within the school which they should know about. Works through proper channels in the solution of problems which cannot be solved satisfactorily at the individual school level.


m.    Provides time and opportunity to pupils, parents, and teachers for conferences.


n.      Provides guidance and assistance to pupils in planning and pursuing their education beyond the level of the school in which the pupils are currently enrolled.


o.      Accepts other duties as assigned by the Superintendent of Schools.


p.      After approval of the Superintendent, assumes the responsibility for all substitute teachers, their assignments, orientation, and evaluation.






Adopted:         July 1976


 Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia, 18A-2-9


 Clay County Board of Education