AFC              Emergency Closing (Also EBBD)

File:    AFC


Emergency Closing of Schools


1.     GENERAL


1.1  SCOPE  This policy provides the rationale for emergency closing of schools, the authority for such , and rules for the governance of such.


1.2  AUTHORITY    School Laws of West Virginia, 18A-5-2, 18-5-45; Clay County Schools Handbook


1.3  FILING DATE                        JULY 2010


1.4  EFFECTIVE DATE    July 2010




            It is the belief of the Clay County Board of Education that schools should remain open and instruction be provided for pupils even when only a few pupils attend. When only a few pupils are present, each can have a very profitable day, an opportunity to which he/she is entitled.




3.1            Students shall be sent home early when there is danger of road or weather conditions causing them to possibly not reach home if school continued in session for the full day. Students may also be dismissed and sent home early in case of other potentially hazardous conditions such as those listed in the County Emergency Operations Plan.


3.2            Early dismissal of high schools and sending buses out affect all feeder schools, therefore principals shall follow normal schedules whenever possible.


3.3            The Superintendent shall be authorized to announce the closing of schools if prevailing or potential hazards threaten the safety and well-being of pupils and employees. The decision to close schools shall be made by the Superintendent after advising when administratively feasible with the Board of Education and other community agencies responsible for the safety and well-being of the community.  Public announcements and releases to the new media shall be made by the Superintendent or his/her designee.  (Note: See Emergency Plan Handbook for Clay County Schools.)


3.4            Under any or all of the above provisions, the time lost by the closing of schools is counted as days of employment and as meeting a part of the requirements of the minimum term of one hundred eighty days of instruction. On such day or days, county boards of education may provide appropriate alternate work schedules for professional and service personnel affected by the closing of any school or schools under any or all of the above provisions. Professional and service personnel shall receive pay the same as if school were in session. Insofar as funds are available or can be made available during the school year, the board may extend the employment term for the purpose of making up time that might affect the instructional term.


3.5            If, on or after the first day of March, the county board determines that it is not possible to complete one hundred eighty separate days of instruction, the county board shall schedule instruction on any available non-instructional day, regardless of the purpose for which the day originally was scheduled, and the day will be used for instruction, subject to the following:


3.5.1       The non-instructional days scheduled for professional development shall be the last available non-instructional days to be rescheduled as instructional days;


3.5.2       On or after the first day of March, the county board also may require additional minutes of instruction in the school day to make up for lost instructional days in excess of the days available through rescheduling and, if in its judgment it is reasonable and necessary to improve student performance, to avoid scheduling instruction on non-instructional days previously scheduled for professional development; and


3.5.3       The provisions of this subsection do not apply to: (1) Holidays; and (2) election day.




Clay County Board of Education