CGBAC - Duties (Director of Transportation)

File:     CGBAC


(Director of Transportation)



The Director of Transportation is the administrative head of pupil transportation service in the county. He/she is responsible to the Superintendent. Within the limitations of the Board of Education policies, he/she works with all staff and school personnel who are concerned with transportation connected problems. He/she serves in a liaison capacity between school patrons and the Superintendent.

            He/she recruits, trains and recommends to the Superintendent, the employment and assignment of all drivers and bus maintenance personnel.

            He/she supervises the performance of all transportation personnel, and has the authority to enforce the state regulations, and the local board’s regulations and policies and with the advice of the Superintendent, he/she exercises disciplinary measures when necessary. They, together, shall have the authority to suspend any person who is failing to abide by the above-mentioned policies.



Adopted:         July 1976




 Clay County Board of Education