Compensation Guides and Contracts

Compensation Guides and Contracts




            Teachers are paid on certification, plus longevity, and according to revised salary schedule approved by the State Legislature. Contracts are for ten (10) months.

            The terms of a teacher’s employment shall be specified in a contract made between the teacher and the Board of Education. Revocation of a teaching certificate annuls a contract. Statutory requirements, rules, and regulations of the State Board of Education and of the Board of Education of the County of Clay shall be considered a part of the contract. Should the teacher fail to comply with these terms, the Board of Education will withhold the monthly salary check until compliance is rendered. Teachers shall have three months to provide evidence of certification. If this information is not provided within this time, the school board has the authority to release the teacher.

            The contract assures the teacher employment within the county but not in a particular school. Assignments and transfers shall be made on the basis of need and performance, and may be requested to meet the convenience of the teacher.

            Contracts may be terminated by mutual consent of the Board of Education and the teacher, by dismissal, or at expiration in the case of a probationary employment. Emergency teachers are subject to replacement at any time.


Substitute Teachers


            Any substitute teacher who teaches five consecutive instructional days or less in the same position shall be paid only the state basic salary.

            The pay of the substitute teacher shall be based upon his/her training classification and experience and shall be in accordance with the salary schedule of the regularly employed teachers of the county, after five instructional days.




Adopted:         July 1976







Reference:       School Laws of West Virginia 18A-4-7





Clay County Board of Education