Lay Off

Professional Personnel Lay-Off


            Whenever it is necessary to decrease the number of employees because of insufficient funds or decrease in pupil enrollment or lack of work, the Board of Education may cause the necessary number of employees, beginning with those serving probationary periods, to be place on leaves of absences without pay, but only in the inverse order of their appointment.

            Each employee placed on leave of absence shall be reinstated in inverse order of his/her placement on leave of absence.  Such reemployment shall not result in a loss of status or credit for previous periods of service.

            No new appointments shall be made while there are available employees on leave of absence who have not attainted the age of sixty-five years and who are adequately qualified to fill the vacancy in the particular department unless the employees fail to advise the Board within thirty days from date of notification by the Board that positions are available to them that they will return to employment and will assume the duties of the positions to which they are appointed not later than the beginning of the month following the date of the notice by the Board.























Adopted:  July 1976


Reference:  School Laws of West Virginia 18A-2-2


Clay County Board of Education