Scheduling and Routing


Scheduling and Routing


Delayed Bus Schedule

            The Superintendent is authorized to operate buses on a delayed schedule of one hour at any time it is felt that weather conditions are or will be such that the children would benefit from such a delay.  Any delayed schedule should be announced in plenty of time so that proper notification can be given to all concerned.  When a delayed schedule is in effect, all buses in the county will delay starting time one hour.  All teachers and other personnel will report to school at the usual time.


Bus Routing

            No county owned school bus shall run more than two (2) miles from where the last child is delivered on the evening run unless special permission is granted by the Board.  This is to curtail “dead-heading” as much as possible.



Adopted:  July 1976

























Reference:  Clay County Board of Education Minutes 9-6-71 and 8-32-67


Clay County Board of Education