Drug Use

Substance Abuse


The Clay County Board of Education believes that the use of prohibited substances is wrong and harmful. In accordance, the Clay

County School System will not tolerate the use of prohibited substances by its students.


Compliance with the provisions of this policy is mandatory, and a copy or summary of the policy shall be distributed annually to all students at the beginning of each school year.




The Clay County School System shill1 provide a developmentally based drug and alcohol education program for all K-12 students. The drug and alcohol education program shall be delivered through county approved instructional objectives in the areas of health, developmental guidance, physical education, science, and social studies.




Any student found using or in the possession of any illegal or controlled substance (except tobacco) will be dealt with in the following manner.


First Offense:


A.)  Five (5) day suspension from school during which the student and at least one parent or guardian must attend and successfully complete a Substance Abuse Education program designed and delivered by the school system. Completion of the program is required pursuant to the student's returning to school. The Substance Abuse Education program will consist of an educational component with an emphasis on decision making skills and rehabilitative counseling.


B.)   Scheduling and completion of a conference between the parent or guardian and school officials prior to school reentry.


     C.)  Five day suspension to the alternative learning center or in    elementary schools - its equivalent.


D.)  Denial of extracurricular activities privileges for the remainder of the school term.


Second Offense:


A.)  Recommendation to the Clay County Board of Education for expulsion.


B.)  Notification of appropriate law enforcement officials.


Students distributing illegal or controlled substances may, at the discretion of the school administration, be treated as second offenders. The school administration may also use its discretion to notify law enforcement officials in first offense cases,


Tobacco Use


Use or distribution of tobacco products shall be governed by the Student Code of Conduct (Policy JCDA) and individual school discipline policies.














Approved: December, 1980

Revised: September 21, 1992