BBBA - Duties (Cf. ABB)

File:     BBBA


Duties of Board Members


            The duties and obligations of an individual Board member may be enumerated as follows:


1.      To familiarize himself/herself with the State School Laws, regulations of the Sate Department of Education, Clay County School Board Policies, rules and regulations.


2.      To have a general knowledge of educational aims and objectives of the system.


3.      To work harmoniously with other Board members without trying either to dominate the Board or neglect his/her shares of the work.


4.      To vote and act in the Board meetings impartially for the good of the distinct.


5.      To accept the will of the majority vote in all cases and give wholehearted support to the resulting policy.


6.      To represent the Board and the Clay County school system to the public in such a way as to promote both interest and support.


7.      To refer complaints to the proper school authorities and to abstain from individual counsel and action.


Adopted:         July 1976


Clay County Board of Education