J - Students


JA      Goals and Objectives


JAA        Equal Educational Opportunities

JB       Attendance

JBA         Compulsory Attendance Ages

JBB         Entrance Age

JBC         School Admission

JBCA             Resident Students

JBCAA                 New Resident Students 

JBCB              Nonresident students

JBCBA                  Tuition (Cf. JS)

JBCC              Assignment (Cf. AD)

JBCCA                  To Schools

JBCCB                  To Classes

JBCD               Transfer and Withdrawals

JBD          Student Attendance

JBE         Truancy

JBF          Released Time (Cf. MCB)

JBG          Readmissions


JC       Rights and Responsibilities

JCA          Civil Rights of Minors

JCAA                     Due Process

JCAB                     Interrogations and Searches (Cf. LDAJA)

                              SN For policy statement regarding

                              Interrogations and searches by school

                             Officials only.

JCB           Student involvement in Decision making

                  (Cf. BDBD, CMAA)

JCC           Budget Panning Involvement (Also DCCE)

JCD           Conduct

JCDA                      Expected Behavior in Safe and Supportive Schools

JCDAA                              Smoking

JCDAB                              Alcohol Use

JCDAC                              Drug Use (Cf. IDBB)

JCDACA                            Random Student Drug Testing

JCDAD                              Bus Conduct (Also EDCB)

JCDB                                 Dress Code


JCDB-A                              Dress Code for Students - Clay County High and Middle Schools  


JCDB-B                             Cell Phones & Pager Policy for Students and Teachers


JCEB         Complaints and Grievances

JCEA                      Ombudsman

JCEB                     Hearing Procedure

JCEC                     Demonstrations and Strikes


JD      Discipline

JDA           Corporal Punishment

JDAEP      Alternative Education and Alternative Learning Center Program

JDB           Detention

JDC           Probation

JDD           Suspension

JDE           Expulsion


JE      Guidance Program (Also IG) 


JF      Academic Achievement (Also IH)

JFA   Testing Out


JG      Student Welfare

JGA            Student Insurance Program (Also EGB)

JGB            Student Aid Programs

JGC            Student Health Services (Cf. JGFG)

JGCA                     Physical Examinations

JGCB                     Inoculations

JGCC                     Communicable Diseases

JGCD                     Medicines - Administer


JGCE                     Local Wellness Policy

JGD            Student Psychological Services

JGDA                     Psychological Testing (Cf. II)

JGE             Student Social Services

JGEA                      Home Visits

JGF             Student Safety

JGFA                       Emergency Drills (Also EBBC;

                                 Cf. LDAK, LDAL)

JGFAA                                   Bomb Threats (Also EBBCA)

JGFB                        Supervision of Students

JGFC                        Dismissal Precautions

JGFD                        Student Safety Patrols (Cf. EBBE)

JGFE                         Bicycle Use

JGFF                         Automobile Use (Cf. EBBE)

JGFG                        Accidents (Cf. JGC

JGFGA                                    First Aid

JGFHA                     Harassment Violence

JGG           Student Transportation (Cf. ED) 

JGGA                       Walkers and Riders (Also EDDB)

JGH           Food Service (Cf. EE)

JGHA                       Free Food Service (Also EEA)

JH      Student Activities (Cf. IDE)

JHA           Activities Fees

JHB           Activities Funds Management (Also DK)

JHC           Student Organizations

JHCA                       Student Clubs   


JHCAA                                      Secret Societies

JHCB                       Student Government

JHCC                       Student Publications

JHCCA                                      Underground Newspapers

JHD           Student Social Events

JHE           Student Performances (Cf. KEAA)


JI       Student Volunteers

JIA            School Service

JIB            Public Service

JIC            Taps

JJ      Employment of Students

JJA            School Employment

JJB            Outside Employment

JJC            Work-Study Employment (Cf. IDCF, LEGA)


JK     Solicitations (Also KEB)

JKA          Solicitations of Students (Also KEBA)

JKB          Solicitations by Students (Also KEBB)


JL      Gifts

JLA           Gifts to Staff Members (Also GAJB)

JLB           Gifts to School

JLC           Gifts to Students (Also KHC)


JM     Contests for Students (Also KHB)


JN      Awards and Scholarships (Also KHA)


JO      Student-Community Relations (Also KE)


JP      Student-Staff Relations (Also GAF)


JQ      Anomalous Students (Cf. IDD)

          SN Includes those students for whom special policy

         dispensations may or may not have to be made.

JQA           Physically Handicapped (Cf. IDDFA)

JQB           Mentally Handicapped (Cf. IDDFB)

JQC           Perceptually handicapped (Cf. IDDFC)

JQD           Emotionally Disturbed (Cf. IDDFD)

JQE           Pregnant

JQF           Married

JQG           Unwed Mothers

JQH           Drop-Outs

JQI             Post-Secondary

JQJ            Adult (Cf. IDG)

JQK           Exchange (Cf. IDCD)

JQKA                       Foreign

JQL            Veterans


JR      Student Records

JS      Student Fees, Fines, and Charges (Cf. JBCBA)