Complaints and Grievances

Complaints and Grievances


            Any employee of the Board shall have the right to appeal the application of policies and administrative decisions affecting him/her.  The employee shall be assured freedom from restraint, interference, coercion, discrimination, or reprisal in presenting his appeal with respect to a personal grievance.

            All grievances shall be handled expeditiously and shall be handled according tot eh procedures adopted by the Board.

            The purpose of the grievance procedure is to provide a way for the Clay County Board of Education and employees of the Clay County Board of Education to reach solutions to problems, large and small, that may occur between them.

            Good morale is maintained, effective job performance is enhanced, and the citizens of the community are better served when sincere efforts of employer and employee are exerted toward constructive solutions to problems that may arise.  It is the intent of this procedure to provide in a single, straightforward, and easily understood way, for the solution of problems at the lowest possible administrative level, as fairly and as expeditiously as possible.



Adopted:  July 1976






















Reference:  School Laws of West Virginia, 10A-2-8


Clay County Board of Education