
Accidents/First Aid



At each school, procedures shall be developed for the proper handling of accidents or emergency illness and made known t o the staff. These shall incorporate the following requirements:


1.  In the case of a minor accident, the principal or another trained person shall administer first aid.


2.  For a more serious accident or illness, the student's parents or guardians shall be contacted immediately.


3.  If the parents cannot be reached and the pupil cannot give the name of the regular family physician, first aid shall be rendered by the principal or other trained individual until the child is taken home or to a hospital.


4.  No young child who is ill or injured shall be sent home alone, nor shall any older child unless his/her illness/injury is minor. A young child who is ill or injured shall not be taken home unless it is known that someone is there to receive him/her.


5.  In extreme emergencies, the principal may make arrangements for immediate hospitalization of injured or ill pupils, contacting the parent or guardian in advance if at all possible.


6.  The teacher or other staff member to whom a child is responsible at the time an accident occurs shall make out a report providing details about the accident. This shall be required for every accident for which first-aid is given.


7.  Serious accidents to students shall be reported as soon as possible to the superintendent.


8. In the case of an accident, the best judgment of the teacher (or other school employee) shall be used. The law will protect the employee unless he/she is proven guilty of negligence.


9.  Every employee witnessing or cognizant of any accident occurring in connection with any school activity or affecting the rights or interests of the Board of Education should immediately notify his or her superior, who shall make and file in his/her own office a written report of the case.


It is important that such general reports of accidents be prompt, accurate, and complete. The report itself should contain necessary information, as follows:


a.  The name and address of the injured party;

b.  The activity in which the injury occurred, such as recess, gymnasium, changing classes, shop, etc;

c.  The date, hour and place;

d.  The name of the person in charge;

e.  Signed statements by witnesses to the accident;

f.  The cause and extent of the injury; and

g.  First aid or other attention given.


The principal shall send the accident report to the superintendent's office should a serious injury occur, the principal shall report immediately by telephone to the superintendent or assistant. In either case, the principal shall send a written report of the accident to the superintendent or assistant not-later than the day following the accident.


10.The guideline for first-aid shall be the American Red Cross Manual.




Adopted: July 1976


Clay County Board of Education