Class Size

Class Size



            Kindergarten classroom (or classes with more than one grade that include kindergarten) shall have no more than twenty students; however exceptions can be granted for kindergarten classes to have twenty-three students if the average teacher-pupil ratio within the individual school for grades one through six is less than 25-1.

            Classrooms in grades one through six (or split-grade classrooms containing any mixture of students in grades one through six) shall have no more than twenty-five students; however exceptions can be granted for grade one through six classes to have twenty-eight students if the average teacher-pupil ratio within the individual school for grades one through six is less than 25-1.

            No provision of this policy shall limit the number of pupil’s pr teacher in a classroom for the purpose of instruction in instrumental or choral music.

            Classrooms in grades seven through twelve shall be limited to the number of students who can be effectively managed and instructed based on course requirements.         Each school principle shall assign students equitably among classroom teachers, taking into consideration reasonable differences due to subject areas and/or grade levels.





Approved:  July1976


Revised:  February 17, 1992


Source:  State Law 18-5-18a