Bomb Threats


Bomb Threats


            In the event of a call or notice to the effect that a bomb has been placed in a school or any other building or establishment, the following procedures are recommended:


1.      Immediate evacuation of the school or buildings.

2.      If the call was not received originally by the fire and police departments, immediate notification is required.  Both departments should respond.

3.      A search of the building or premises should be conducted under the direction of the senior officer present from either protective department.  All officers, firefighters, and custodians of the building should assist in the search.

4.      Circumstances will dictate whether any strange or foreign objects should be removed immediately or left for removal by a qualified person.

5.      If a thorough search has been conducted and nothing found, the Superintendent should be notified by the senior number of the local protective department that re-entry will be permitted.

6.      Investigation of the incident should be made by the local police department assisted by the State Fire Marshal’s office, if requested..


Any decision concerning the dismissal of school pupils and subsequent action after the above procedures have been followed is the prerogative of the Superintendent.



Approved:  July 1976
















Reference:  School Laws of West Virginia 61-6-17


Clay County Board of Education