Public's Right to Know

Public's Right to Know


Public access to records of the Clay County Board of Education shall be allowed pursuant to State Law 29B-1-3 as it relates to the freedom of information.

1)  Every person has the right to inspect or copy any public record of the Clay County Board of Education except as excluded by State Law 29B-1-4.

2)  A request to inspect or copy any public record of the Board shall be made directly to the Superintendent or his designee.

3)  The Superintendent, unless otherwise expressly prohibited by statute, shall furnish reasonable opportunities for inspection and examination of records and reasonable facilities for making memoranda or abstracts there from, during the usual business hours, to all persons having occasion to make examination of them.

4) All requests for information must state with reasonable specificity the information sought.

5) The Superintendent, upon request for records made under this policy, shall within a maximum of five working days:

a) Furnish copies of the requested information, or

b) Advise the person making the request of the time and place at which he may inspect and copy the materials, or

c) Deny the request stating in writing the reasons for such denial.

6)  The Superintendent shall charge twenty-five cents per page, a figure reasonably calculated to reimburse the Board for actual cost in making reproductions of records. Exempted from public access is information of a personal nature such as that kept in personal, medical, or similar file; test questions, scoring keys and similar examination data; and any information specifically exempted under State Law 29B-1-4.





Approved: April 19, 1983

Revised: January 22, 1996