GBRLA - Personal Leave Donation Policy

Policy GBRLA



SCOPE:                      Provides procedures to meet state requirements relating to a

                                    Personal Leave Donation Program


AUTHORITY:                        Chapter 18A, Article 4, Section 10f of the Code of West Virginia


FILING DATE:           April 7, 2008


EFFECTIVE DATE:    April 7, 2008


            Leave Donation Program in compliance with Chapter 18A, Article 4, Section

            10f of the Code of West Virginia.


1.1            Effective April 7, 2008 Clay County Board of Education will establish

The Clay County Schools Personal Donation Program.


1.2            Definitions – The following words have the meanings specified unless

The context clearly indicates a different meaning:

a.     “Catastrophic medical emergency” means a medical or physical condition that:

A.    Incapacitates an employee or an immediate family member for whom the employee will provide care;

B.     Is likely to require the prolonged absence of the employee from duty; and

C.     Will result in a substantial loss of income to the employee because the employee:

(i)                Has exhausted all accrued personal leave; and

(ii)              Is not eligible to receive personal leave or has exhausted personal leave available from a leave bank established pursuant to this article;

b.     “Employee” means a professional educator or school service person who is employed by the Clay County Board of Education and is entitled to accrue personal leave as a benefit of employment;

c.      “Donor employee” means a professional educator of school service person employed by the Clay County Board of Education who voluntarily contributes personal leave to another designated employee; and

d.     “Receiving employee” means a professional educator of school service person employed by the Clay County Board of Education who receives donated personal leave from another employee.


1.3            Leave Donation Program


a.     The Personal Leave Donation Program will operate in addition to Clay County School Sick Leave Bank. In the Personal Leave Donation Program, a donor employee may transfer accrued personal leave to the personal leave account of another designated Clay County Schools employee.


b.     The Clay County Board of Education:

A.    May not limit the number of personal leave days a donor employee may transfer to a receiving employee who is his/her spouse.

B.     May not limit the total number of personal leave days a receiving employee receives; and

C.     Limits the number of days a donor employee transfers to a receiving employee who is not his or her spouse at one day.


1.4 Rule

a.     The donor employee voluntarily agrees to the leave transfer;

b.     The donor employee selects the employee designated to receive the personal leave transferred;

c.      The receiving employee requires additional personal leave because of a catastrophic medical emergency; and

d.     The receiving employee has exhausted his or her personal leave days and has gone five days without pay.

e.     The donated leave may not be used to:


A.    Qualify for or add to service for any retirement system administered by the State; or

B.     Extend insurance coverage;

C.     Each personal leave day contributed:

i.                    Shall be deducted from the number of personal leave days to which the donor employee is entitled;

ii.                  Shall not be deducted from the number of personal leave days without cause to which the donor employee is entitled if sufficient general personal leave days are otherwise available to the donor employee;

iii.                Shall be credited to the receiving employee as one full personal leave day.

iv.               May not be credited for more or less than a full day by calculating the value of the leave according to the hourly wage of each employee; and

v.                 May be used only for an absence due to the purpose for which the leave was transferred. Any transferred days remaining when the catastrophic medical emergency ends revert back to the donor employee; and

vi.               An employee may not be coerced or compelled to contribute to a leave donation program.







Clay County Schools

Personal Leave Donation Form


Employee Donor’s Name: _____________________________________________

Employee Donor’s ID Number: _________________________________________

Employee Recipient’s Name: ___________________________________________

I wish to transfer one day of my personal leave to _________________________. I understand that this day shall be deducted from my accrued personal leave.  I have donated this day of my own free will without being coerced or compelled to contribute.

Signature: ____________________________________Date:_________________



For Office Use Only:

Time/Date Donation was received: Time _____________ Date _______________

Assigned Number for Donated Day: ________________

Form received by: ___________________________________________________


Date Donated Day was used: ________________________________

Date Donated Day was returned: _____________________________


WV Code 18A – 4 – 10f

Clay County Schools

Personal Leave Donation Program

Recipient Employee: _______________________        Start Date________

Days Donated: __________________                                                  End Date _________

Person completing this report: _________________________________________

Date Completed: _________________________