FILE JBD: Student Attendance












1.1. Scope. -This policy stipulates the practices, rules, and regulations that school officials shall adhere to with regard to the implementation of the school attendance program in all Clay County Schools.


          1.2. Authority. - West Virginia Constitution, Article XII, §2, W. Va. Code §§16‑3-14, 17B-2-3, 17B-2-5, 18-2-5, 18-5-15, 18-8-1, 18-8-2, 18-8-3, 18-8-4, 18-8-5, 18-8-11 and Subtitle B of Title VII of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 11431 et seq.) (hereinafter McKinney-Vento Act).


1.3. Filing Date. -  November 28, 2011


1.4. Effective Date. -  November 28, 2011




2.1. The Clay County Board of Education believes that regular school attendance is required for the delivery of formal education to the Clay County public education students. The basic intent of this attendance policy is to promote school attendance and meet the individual needs of students to help them reach their potential. Since programs of study are planned and learning outcomes taught so that each day's work builds on work previously completed, all students are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes. A direct relationship exists between good attendance and student performance, graduation, and good work habits in the marketplace.


2.2. The Clay County Board of Education further believes that the daily instructional level in the classroom should be of such quality that absences from the classroom would have a detrimental effect upon student's ability to successfully pass the course of work.


2.3. The Clay County Board of Education believes it is the shared responsibility of the school and the home to assist students in developing desirable habits of punctuality and attendance. This area has become increasingly difficult for faculty, administrators and office personnel to handle due to the large number of students who fail to attend school, are late to school or class, skip class, and sign out early. Numerous administrative hours are spent enforcing compulsory attendance policies and dealing with irregular attendance. The energy expended in these pursuits leaves little opportunity for more constructive school tasks. While students and parents/guardians have the ultimate responsibility for daily school attendance, the laws of West Virginia require school administrators to enforce compulsory school attendance, and to provide an environment conducive to, and encouraging of, attendance. It would seem that more of the responsibility for school attendance should rest with parents/guardians and students. Therefore, a secondary intent of this

policy is aimed at shifting some of the responsibility for attendance to parents/guardians and students.


2.4. The philosophy of the Clay County Board of Education includes the promotion of school attendance by (1) creating a positive safe environment conducive to learning and committed to helping students develop responsibility, self-discipline, and other good work habits, and (2) developing a system enlisting parental support for daily school attendance by students.




3.1. The Clay County Board of Education provides for input from teachers, principals, attendance directors, parents, and community leaders when developing or revising the attendance policy. The County Attendance Director or other appropriate designee shall conduct an annual attendance evaluation to determine the effectiveness of the policy.


3.2. An annual report shall be provided to the Clay County Board of Education on or before the first day of July containing evaluation results, and any recommendations for revisions to the attendance policy. The report shall include, but not be limited to, (1) current attendance rates for all Clay County Schools, (2) the methods used to provide for input from teachers, principals, attendance directors, parents, and community leaders, and (3) the results of the input provided.




4.1. Absence - Not being physically present in the school facility for any reason. Absences resulting from the suspension of a student due to provisions in W. Va. Code 18A-5-la (c) for which W.Va. Code provides that the pupil may be suspended shall not be calculated in the school's/county's attendance rate. Under this section of W.Va. Code, a principal may suspend a student who has (1) threatened to injure, or in any manner injured, a pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel; (2) willfully disobeyed a teacher; (3) possessed alcohol in an educational facility, on school grounds, a school bus or any school-sponsored function; (4) used profane language directed at a school employee or a pupil; (5) intentionally defaced any school property; (6) participated in any physical altercation with another person while under the authority of school personnel; (7) habitually violated school rules or policies.


4.1.1. Excused Absence - Shall mean absences from school or individual class due to:


1. Illness or injury of the student requiring physician's verification.

2. Medical and/or dental appointment which cannot be scheduled outside the   school day.  Absence must be verified in writing by the physician or dentist.

3. Illness of student verified by parents/guardian not to exceed three (3) consecutive or five (5) total days per semester. Verification by a physician will be required if absences exceed three (3) consecutive days.

4. Illness or injury in family when student absence verified as essential by physician.

5.”Documented chronic medical condition” means any physical or mental condition that may require multiple or regular absences.  This condition must be documented annually with a valid physician’s note and the “Chronic Health Condition Statement” that explains the condition and anticipated impact on attendance.  The necessity of the absences must be approved and reviewed quarterly by the SAT, IEP or 504 team.

6. Calamity, such as fire in the home, flood, or family emergency upon approval by the school principal.

7. Death in the family, limit three (3) days for each occurrence except in extraordinary circumstances. "Family" defined as mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother's children, sister's children, student's child(ren), or any person living in the same household.

8. Leaves of educational value adhering to these stipulations: a. prior approval of school administrator; b. prior submission and approval of educational plan detailing objectives and activities; c. leave not to exceed ten (10) days-verification of implementation of the education plan upon student's return; d. leave to extend more than ten (10) days requires county board approval.

9. School approved curricular or extra-curricular activities.

10. Legal obligation with verification.

11. Failure of bus to run or extremely hazardous conditions.

12. Observance of religious holiday(s).

13. Extenuating Circumstances. Days in which a student is absent or tardy that is not covered in item 1-12. The administration in charge has the authority to excuse these. It is the parent's responsibility to notify the school. This becomes the responsibility of the student upon reaching their eighteenth (18) birthday.


4.2. Allowable deductions - Absences that result from school-approved curricular/co-curricular activities and failure of the bus to run due to hazardous conditions.

          4.3. Attendance - For statistical purposes, attendance will be reported and aggregated to the nearest half day according to the definitions in sections 4.3.1. and 4.3.2.

          4.3.1. Full-day attendance means being present at least .74 of the school day.

          4.3.2. Half-day attendance means being present at least .50 of the school day.

4.4. Attendance Rate - The number of days present divided by the number of days of membership, multiplied by one hundred, equals attendance rate for students on the attendance registers in classes K-12.


4.5  Awaiting Foster Care Placement - Any child or youth who:  1) is in the custody of the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources, 2) has been placed in out-of-home care, and 3) is not in a permanent placement.  This includes, but is not limited to, children and youth in family foster care, kinship care, emergency shelter care or in a facility used to provide treatment services.


4.6. Dropout - A dropout is an individual who: (1) was enrolled in school at some time during the previous school year and was not enrolled on October 1 of the current school year; or (2) was not enrolled on October 1 of the previous school year although expected to be in membership (i.e., was not reported as a dropout the year before); and (3) has not graduated from high school, obtained a GED diploma, or completed a state- or district approved education program; and (4) does not meet any of the following exclusionary conditions: a. transfer to another public school district, private school, registered home school, or state- or district-approved education program; b. temporary school-recognized absence due to suspension or illness; or c. death.


4.7. Dropout Date - For students of ages 16 or older, the dropout date is defined as the school day after the student's last day of attendance.

4.8. Enrollment - A student is officially enrolled when one of the following conditions occur: (1) student was enrolled the previous year; (2) student appears at school to enroll with or without a parent/guardian; or (3) student and/or parent/guardian appears at school to enroll with or without records.

4.9. Enrollment Count - A status count that reports the number of students on the attendance register as required by the West Virginia Department of Education.

          4.10. Homeless Children and Youths - as defined in the McKinney-Vento Act means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence and includes:

          4.10.1. children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement;

          4.10.2. children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping  accommodation for human beings;

          4.10.3. children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings; and

          4.10.4. migratory children who qualify as homeless because the children or youth are living in circumstances as described in the above descriptions.


4.11. Membership Days - The days present plus the days absent.


4.12. "Safe Schools Violation" - A violation by a student of any of the provisions in 18A-5-la for which W.Va. Code requires that a pupil shall be suspended (i.e., possession of deadly weapons or controlled substances on the premises of an educational facility, or assault and battery committed by a student upon a teacher or other school personnel).


4.13. School of Origin - As defined in the McKinney-Vento is the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled.


4.14. Transfer - A process by which a student ends enrollment or attendance in one location and begins enrollment or attendance in a second location (e.g., within a county, between counties, or out of state). This can be evidenced through a transcript request or other documentation that the student is continuing elementary or secondary education.




In order to adequately address problems of student unexcused absences, tardies, and early departures, school principals and teachers shall adhere to the following:


5.1. The environment of the original learning situation can never be recreated. When a student misses, regardless of reasons, that time can be made up. Therefore, the terms "excused" and "unexcused" will be used. A note, phone calls, admits, or excuses will not be required before or after an absence. However, such notes, doctor slips, personal notes, etc., may be necessary if a student has an excessive number of absences. "Tardy" shall include late arrival to school, regardless of reasons. In addition "early departure" shall include any part of the school day missed by a student after arrival, regardless of reasons.


5.2. Justification for absences, tardies, and early departures shall be made by parent/guardians and/or students during the conference or phone calls explained in section IV of this policy. Therefore parents/guardians and students are urged to obtain doctor permits, keep personal notes with dates, reasons, etc. and have them on file for ready reference for conferences if they become necessary.


5.3. A student who is suspended from school, or is unable to get to school due to suspension - form school buses, for disciplinary infractions for any number of days will have that number of days charged against his total absences.


5.4. The following absences will not count toward the total number of absences of any student: a. school-sponsored events for which the student has been pre-excused, b. absences or tardies due to late or non-running buses, c. as determined by the superintendent or his designee in extreme cases or in cases of emergency.


5.5.  An incident of tardiness, sign out, or combination of these, may constitute a half day or full day absence based on section 4.3 of this policy. 


5.6. Students leaving school after their initial arrival must first be signed out in the school office by a member of their family. In extreme cases other arrangements may be made between principals and parent/guardians.


5.7. The make-up of all work is mandatory and it shall be the responsibility of the student or parent/guardian to contact the class instructor or school in order to arrange to make-up work missed.


5.8. A student must make-up assigned work within two (2) consecutive days after a single day's absence. For two or more days of consecutive absence that student has up to five consecutive days, including weekends, to complete assignments. In extreme cases an extension of time may be granted by the principal.


5.9. Make up work does not necessarily have to be exactly the same as that which was completed in the regular classroom. There may be no withholding of credit and/or grades for absences unless the student after given an opportunity to make up work fails to do so.


5.10. A student may not be suspended solely for failure to attend class. Other methods of discipline may include, but are not limited to, detention, extra class time, or alternative class settings.




6.1. The Clay County Board of Education shall employ a certified county director of school attendance as required by W.Va. Code 18-8-3 who shall implement and execute duties as defined in W.Va. Code 18-8-4:


a.  The county attendance director, school principals and their assistants shall diligently promote regular school attendance. They shall ascertain reasons for absences from school of students of compulsory school age and students who remain enrolled beyond the sixteenth birthday.

b.  In the case of five unexcused absences of a child during a school year, the attendance director, school principal, or his/her assistant shall serve written notice to the parent, guardian, or custodian of such child that the attendance of such child at school is required and that within ten days of receipt of the notice the parent, guardian, or custodian, accompanied by the child, shall report in person to the school the child attends for a conference with the principal or other designated representative of the school in order to discuss and correct the circumstances causing the unexcused absences' of the child.

c.  If the parent, guardian, or custodian does not comply, then the attendance director or assistant shall make complaint against the parent, guardian, or custodian before a magistrate of the county.

d.  The attendance director shall serve as the liaison for homeless children and youth as defined in W.Va. Code 18-8-4. As defined in H. R. 1 (No Child Left Behind), as the liaison for homeless children and youth, the attendance director is required to: (1) ensure that public notice of the educational rights of students in homeless situations is disseminated where children and youth receive services; (2) ensure that parents or guardians are informed of educational and related opportunities available to their children, and are provided with meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children; (3) ensure that parents or guardians are informed of, and assisted in accessing, all transportation services for their children, including to the school of origin; (4) help unaccompanied youth choose and enroll in a school, after considering the youth's wishes, and provide the youth with notice of his or her right to appeal the school district's decision; (5) immediately assist in obtaining immunizations or record of immunizations or other medical records for those students who do not have them, and assure that students are enrolled in school while the records are being obtained.

e. The attendance director or other appropriate designee shall report all school dropouts to the West Virginia Department of Education.


6.2. The school principal shall implement and execute the duties as         defined in W.Va. Code 18-8-5:


a. The principal shall compare school numbers with school enrollment monthly.

b. The principal shall contact any parent, guardian, or custodian of the student and hold a meeting with such person and the student when the enrolled student has accumulated five - unexcused absences from attendance.

c. It shall be the duty of the principal of each school to make prompt reports to the county attendance director, or proper assistant, of all cases of unexcused absences arising within the school which require the services of an attendance worker.


6.3. Each parent, guardian, or custodian shall have the responsibility of fully cooperating in and completing the enrollment process by providing: immunization documentation (W.Va. Code 16-3-4), copy of a certified birth certificate or affidavit (W.Va. Code 18-2-5c), signed suspension and expulsion document (W.Va. Code 18-5-15), and any other documents required by federal, state, and/or local policies or code.


6.4. Compulsory school attendance begins with the school year in which the sixth (6th) birthday is reached prior to September 1 or upon enrolling in a public supported kindergarten program and continues until the seventeenth (17th) birthday beginning with the 9th grade class of 2011-2012 or for as long as the student shall be enrolled in the school system. Parents, guardians or custodians of students who are enrolled in school are responsible for their attendance until age 18. Students age 18 and over who are enrolled in school are responsible with complying with the West Virginia Compulsory School Attendance Law (WV Code 18-8-la).




7.1. At the beginning of each school year this attendance policy will be reviewed with students. Efforts will be made to inform the general public about the policy in the following ways: copies sent home when necessary; articles concerning the policy in local newspaper; articles in the county school's newsletter; articles in school papers; publication on the school/county website.


7.2. The following procedures may be used to encourage good attendance. This list is by no means all-inclusive. Principals are encouraged to develop their own attendance incentive programs based on local school conditions and philosophies. Time periods over which these incentives may be applied may vary from a calendar month to a school month, to a nine-week grading period, to a semester, or even an entire school year.


A. Exemption from semester tests or related academic requirements

B. Free admission to functions on school time

C. Free admission to after school functions

D. Special recognition at school (1) On bulletin boards (2) At assemblies (3) Over the school intercom (4) In school newspapers (5) On the school/county website

E. Special recognition in local newspapers and on websites

F. Publicize school average daily attendance in local papers and on websites




8.1. On all levels a classroom register of grades and attendance shall be maintained for all students in each class. On all levels a classroom register of grades and attendance shall be maintained for all students in each class. An up-to-date daily register/record of attendance for every student must be maintained. Students who are physically absent from school must be documented as absent. This record may become a legal document.


8.2. On the elementary level (K-5) each classroom teacher shall maintain an up-to-date register/record of attendance for every student in the class.

8.3. On the secondary level (6-12) a school attendance person shall be appointed by the building principal who shall maintain an up-to-date register/record of attendance for every student in the school.

8.4. Documentation of the following items, events, and procedures shall be maintained at the school site:


1. Phone calls made to parents/guardians

2. Conferences held with parents/guardians

3. Letters mailed to parent/guardians

4. Conferences held with student

5. Referral forms sent to county attendance director (Form CA-2)

          6. Past and current grades

          7. Past and current attendance history


8.5. Upon accumulating a total of five (5) unexcused absences a "Student Referral to Attendance Director" (Form CA-2) shall be completed and forwarded to county attendance director along with copies of all material documented in "8.4" above.




9.1. It shall be the responsibility of the school principal to assure that students with a pattern of excessive absenteeism are referred to appropriate student assistance teams/programs (West. Virginia Board of Education Policy 2510 and W.Va. 126CSR13, West Virginia Board of Education

Policy 2320, Performance Based Accreditation System) for appropriate intervention(s), and that these interventions have been reviewed to determine effectiveness.


9.2. For students who may be unable to succeed in the regular school environment the following programs are offered for students when the need can be justified: (1) Dropout prevention program (2) Homebound instruction (3) Fifth year senior policy (4) Alternate Placement


 9.3. With regard to notification, upon a student accumulating three (3) days of unexcused absences the first attendance letter will be mailed home. If it is deemed necessary, a conference will also be scheduled. Upon a student accumulating five (5) days of unexcused absences, the school shall complete Form CA-2 and forward it to the county attendance director.  If there are additional unexcused absences after the five (5) day notice has been sent to parents or guardians, a "Student Referral to Attendance Director" form will be completed and forwarded to the county attendance director.  Copies of all letters, conference notes, dates, documentation of phone conversations, current grades, past grades, past attendance history and any other information related to the student's attendance will also be forwarded to the county attendance director.


9.4 With regard to counseling services for students with attendance problems, the following strategies are encouraged:


1.  Teachers shall stress the importance of daily attendance.

2.  Teacher shall give a special "word of encouragement" to students who appear to be having attendance problems.

3.  Teachers shall refer apparent attendance problems to school principals or counselors prior to the five (5) day notice.

4.  Principals or counselors will schedule a conference with students who are having attendance problems. If a specific need is determined, the principal or counselor shall refer the student and/or his family to the proper agency.


9.5 With respect to academic placement, and as provided elsewhere in the Clay County Board of Education Policy Manual, every effort shall be made to assure each student proper placement based upon academic and psychological testing and records. When appropriate, supportive agencies with expertise in educational matters shall be utilized as determined by a Student Assistance Team.




10.1. Any student fifteen years of age, but less than eighteen years of age, who is properly enrolled in a West Virginia public school, or who is a West Virginia resident enrolled in an out-of-state school, or who is properly enrolled in an Exemption A, B, or K non-public school may request from the attendance director or chief administrator of the appropriate school system documentation of enrollment/attendance status. This documentation must be provided on a form approved by the West Virginia Department of Education for presentation to the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles when making application for, or reinstatement of, an instruction permit or license to operate a motor vehicle.


10.2. In accordance with the provisions of W.Va. Code 17B-2-3 and 17B-2-5, the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles shall deny a license or instruction permit for the operation of a motor vehicle to any person under the age of eighteen who does not at the time of application present a diploma or other certificate of graduation issued to the person from a secondary high school of this state or any other state, or documentation that the person: (1) is enrolled and making satisfactory progress in a course leading to a general educational development certificate (GED) from a state approved institution or organization, or has obtained such certificate; (2) is enrolled in a secondary school of this state; (3) is a West Virginia resident enrolled in an out-of-state school; (4) is excused from such requirement due to circumstances beyond his or her control; or (5) is enrolled in an institution of higher education as a full-time student in this state or any other state.


10.3. No later than five days after following appropriate due process from the date of withdrawal, the attendance director or chief administrator of the school system shall notify the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles of the withdrawal from school of any student fifteen years of age, but less than eighteen years of age, except as provided in W.Va. Code 18-8-11(d).


10.4. For the purposes of this section and pursuant to W.Va. Code 18-8-11, withdrawal shall be defined as more than ten consecutive, or fifteen days total, unexcused absences during a school year. For the purposes of this section and pursuant to W.Va. Code 18-8-11, suspension or expulsion from school, or imprisonment in a jail or penitentiary, is not a circumstance beyond the control of such person.


10.5. If a student's withdrawal from school is beyond the control of the student and such student is applying for a license, the attendance director or chief administrator of the school system shall provide the student with documentation to present to the West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles to excuse the student from the provisions of W.Va. Code 18-8-1l (d). The school district superintendent (or the appropriate school official of any private secondary school), with the assistance of the county attendance director or any other staff or school personnel, shall be the sole judge of whether such withdrawal is due to circumstances beyond the control of such person.

10.6 It shall be the duty of the county attendance director and all school administrators to implement and execute the duties defined in W. Va. §126CSR81, WVBE Policy 4110.   The county attendance director and school administrators shall also implement and execute the following duties defined in W. Va. Code §18-8-11, regarding driver’s eligibility for a license or instruction permit to operate a motor vehicle:


a.  provide, upon request, a Driver’s Eligibility Certificate on a form (hard-copy or electronic) approved by West Virginia Department of Education (hereinafter WVDE) to any student at least fifteen but less than eighteen years of age who is in satisfactory standing with regard to attendance, behavior and academic progress in a school under the jurisdiction of the official for presentation to the WVDMV on application for or reinstatement of an instruction permit or license to operate a motor vehicle.


b.  provide notification to the WVDMV whenever a student at least fifteen but less than eighteen years of age withdraws from school, is suspended pursuant to W. Va. Code §18A-5-1a and §18A-5-1b and/or fails to maintain satisfactory academic progress, except when the withdrawal or failure to make satisfactory academic progress is due to circumstances outside the control of the student.  Notification must be provided to the WVDMV no later than five days from the date of the withdrawal and/or suspension.  Notification must be provided to the WVDMV no later than five days from the end of the school year for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress.


c.  provide the opportunity, upon request, for a student who has been denied a Driver’s Eligibility Certificate or has received a revocation notice, to have a hearing before the county superintendent of schools or his/her designee concerning whether the student’s withdrawal from school or failure to make satisfactory academic progress was due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student.  The county superintendent, with the assistance of appropriate staff, shall be the sole judge of whether any of the grounds for denial or suspension of a license or instruction permit are due to a circumstance or circumstances beyond the control of the student.

d. provide a review process that allows students to have their Driver’s Eligibility Certificate reinstated upon demonstration of satisfactory progress as follows:


1. reinstatement requests related to withdrawal for unexcused absences shall be reviewed, as outlined in W.Va. §126CSR81, WVBE Policy 4110:  Attendance, at the end of the semester following that in which the withdrawal occurred.


2. reinstatement requests related to failure to make satisfactory academic progress shall be reviewed at the end of each school year for the purpose of reinstating the Driver’s Eligibility Certificate.


3. reinstatement requests related to withdrawal for suspension pursuant to W. Va. Code §18A-5-1a and §18A-5-1b shall be reviewed after all disciplinary sentences have been served for the purpose of reinstating the Driver’s Eligibility Certificate.  


§126-84-6.  Severability.


          6.1. If any provision of this rule or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of this rule.




Upon receiving a "STUDENT REFERRAL TO ATTENDANCE DIRECTOR form from any school, the county attendance director shall review all available information and contact the principal of the school. If after this contact is made it is determined further action is necessary, the attendance director shall proceed as follows:


a. Send (registered mail, return receipt requested) a "Form CA-2," and schedule a conference with parents/guardians.

b. Involve other county agencies if applicable.

c. If attendance still does not improve, proceed at the magistrate court level with formal hearings for the parents/guardians and/or students.



File JBD Revised and adopted by the Clay County Board of Education on January 7, 2013.


285 Church Street, PO Box 120, Clay, West Virginia 25043

                                          Phone (304) 587-4266          Fax (304) 587-4181




Chronic Health Condition Statement


To the Physician:  The parent/guardian of the child listed below,  has notified Clay County Schools that the student has a chronic health condition that may impact his/her regular attendance at school.  A pupils’ regular attendance at school is crucial to optimum learning.  Learning experiences that occur in the classroom are meaningful and essential components of the learning process.  Time lost from class is irretrievable, in terms of opportunity for instructional interaction.  Clay County Schools is requesting that you verify this child has a chronic condition, which may impact regular attendance at school.  Please note that this document may be used in court, if the student becomes truant.  This document does not excuse the student from completing all required class assignments.




Student Name:  _________________________________    Date of Birth: ____________ 


Student Address:__________________________________________________________


School:  ______________________________                      Grade:  ______________                             

I grant permission to my child’s physician to release any and all information to Clay County Schools regarding my child’s chronic health condition.


Parent/Guardian’s Name (Please Print):  ________________________________                               



                                                            (Parent/Guardian’s Signature)                               (Date)                                    




Physician’s Name:  _________________________   Phone Number: _______________


               Address:  _______________________________________________________


Physician’s Statement: (Please state the student’s chronic condition below and how it may impact attendance at school and fax this form to:  Clay County Schools ( 304-587-4181)






     How often do you foresee the student using this excuse per month?  _______     Date of last


     appointment/office exam: ____________________________________________________         





                         (Physician’s Signature)                                                (Date)





This letter is to inform you that as of this date______________________, who is enrolled as a student at this school, has now been absent from school at least three (3) days.


I must inform you that due to these absences academic progress may be threatened. Students are expected to be present and punctual for all classes throughout the year. It is understandable when sickness or higher obligations necessitates a child's absence. However, good attendance is necessary to assure maximum academic progress


When absences reach five (5) days, county policy requires that I inform the county attendance director who may at that time initiate legal proceedings.


An appointment has been scheduled for you at the school on the date shown below so we may discuss this problem. If this time and/or date is

inconvenient for you, please call so we can reschedule this conference.



Place __________________ Date________________ Time __________________



Due to the nature and circumstances surrounding these absences we feel a conference is not necessary at this time. However, please continue to stress the importance of good school attendance to your child. Please feel free to call us at any time to discuss this or any other problem relating to your child.


I hope we can work together to keep________________________ in school every day possible.















This letter is to inform you that as of this date________________ who is enrolled as a student at this school, has now been absent from school at least five (5) days.


As stated in a letter of __________________________, county policy requires that I now inform the county attendance director who may initiate legal proceedings.


























West Virginia Public Schools

Notice of Unexcused Absence From School Form - CA - 2




Residence Address_______________________________________________________________________


You are hereby notified that the child (or children) named below over whom you have legal or actual control as parent or guardian failed to attend school as required by law on the day(s) specified in this notice. Apparently such absence was without legal exemption and will therefore be held contrary to law unless due cause be shown for non-attendance at school.


Name of Child                     Age                   Day (s) and Date (s) of Absence



Please give this notice immediate attention. Continued absence may result in a fine of $50.00 to $100 (dollars) for each violation, or the possibility of a jail sentence of not less than five (5) nor more than twenty (20) days as prescribed by 18-8-2 of the SCHOOL LAWS OF WEST VIRGINIA. The law requires that you report in person to the school within 10 days. If possible, your child should accompany you to the school. A CONFERENCE SHALL BE HELD WITH THE PRINCIPAL OR OTHER DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SCHOOL IN ORDER TO DISCUSS AND CORRECT THE CIRCUMSTANCES CAUSING THE INEXCUSABLE ABSENCE(S) OF YOUR CHILD.


Each day a child is out of school contrary to law will constitute a separate offense. Compulsory school attendance shall begin with the school year or upon enrolling in a publicly supported Kindergarten program and continue to the seventeenth (17) birthday beginning with the 9th grade class of 2011-2012 or for as long as the student shall continue to be enrolled in a school system after the seventeenth (17) birthday. A clarification of legal and illegal absence may be secured by contacting my office.



                                     Certification of Serving of Notice




I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I served the above notice upon the aforesaid ______________________in __________________________ County on the __________________________day of_______________20____. (1) by delivering a true copy thereof to the said_________________________ in person; (2) by delivering a true copy thereof to a member of his/her family over sixteen (16) years of age at his/her usual place of abode and giving information of its purpose, or (3) mailing notice by certified mail to the said__________________________.




                                                                    Signed: _____________________________________________


                                                                                 Director of Attendance for __________________County



Revised  2011
