ABB - Powers and Duties (Cf. BBBA)

File:    ABB


Powers and Duties


     The County Board of Education shall provide for the operation, improvement and evaluation of the public school system and shall establish policies in keeping with the needs of the county and all applicable state laws.


Specifically, the county board shall have the authority to:


1.     Control and manage all of the schools and school interests for all school activities and upon all school property, whether owned or leased by the county, including the authority to require that records be kept of all receipts and disbursements of all funds collected or received by any principal, teacher, student or other person in connection therewith, any programs, activities or other endeavors of any nature operated or carried on by or in the name of the school, to audit such records and to conserve such funds, which shall be deemed quasi-public moneys, including securing surety bonds by expenditure of Board moneys; (S L W V, 18-5-13)


2.     Establish schools, from preschool through high school, inclusive of vocational schools; and to establish schools and/or programs for post high school instruction, subject to approval of the State Board of Education; (S L W V, 18-5-3)


3.     Close any school which is unnecessary and to assign the pupils thereof to other schools in accordance with Chapter 18, Article 5 of the State Law. Provided, that such closing shall be officially acted upon and teachers and service personnel involved notified on or before the first Monday of May;


4.     Consolidate schools; (S L W V, 18-5-13)


5.     Close any elementary school whose average daily attendance falls below twenty pupils for two months in succession, and send the pupils to other schools in the district or to schools in adjoining districts. If the teachers in the schools so closed are not transferred or reassigned to other schools, they shall receive one month’s salary; (S L W V 18-5-13)


6.     Provide at public expense adequate means of transportation for all children of school age who live more than two miles distant from school by the nearest available road and to provide at public expense and according to such regulations at the Board may establish, adequate means of transportation for school children participating in board-approved curricular and extracurricular activities; and provide in addition thereto, by rules and regulations and within the available revenues, transportation for those within two miles distance. (S L W V 18-5-13)


7.     Provide at public expenses for insurance against the negligence of the drivers of school buses, trucks, or other vehicles operated by the Board; and if the transportation of pupils be let out to contract, then the contract therefore shall provide that the contractor shall carry insurance against negligence in such an amount as Board shall specify; (S L W V, 18-5-13)


8.     Provide in-service training for teacher aides, the training to be in accordance with rules and regulations of the State Board; (S L W V 18-5-13)


9.     Provide at public expense, adequate public liability insurance; (S L W V 18-5-13)


10.  Expend under such regulations as it establishes for each child an amount not to exceed the proportion of alls school funds of the district that each child would be entitled to receive if all the funds were distributed equally among all the children of school age in the district upon a per capita basis; (S L W V 18-5-13)


11.  Select and appoint a superintendent and support him/her in the discharge or his/her duties: ( S L W V 18-4-1)


12.  Appoint all school personnel from nominations made by the Superintendent; (S L W V 18A-2-1)


13.  Accept resignations of school personnel;


14.  Approve salary schedules for all school employees ( S L W V, 18A-4-5)


15.  Establish policies for a planned program of education as initiated by the Superintendent, his staff, the Board and others;


16.  Adopt an annual budget and control expenditures through periodic financial reports;


17.  Advertise for bids for public works when amounts exceed the state law minimums; (S L W V, 18-5-12A)


18.  Establish, construct, acquire, extend, equip and own, maintain and operate athletic facilities; (S L W V, 10-2A-2)


19.  Receive, hold and dispose of any gift, grant or bequest;


20.  Establish attendance areas and school boundaries;


21.  Employ legal counsel (S L W V 18-5-13)


22.  Offer a reward for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of any person or persons who damage or destroy school property, or who threaten, offer or attempt to do so; (S L W V 18-5-36a)


23.  Contract with a local Board of Health for the provisions of health services; (S L W V, 16-2-5);


24.  Levy taxes for the maintenance and operation of the school system; and all elections for the purpose of voting increased levies for special purposes; (S L W V, 18-9-2a);


25.  Suspend and/or dismiss school employees in accordance with state law; (S L W V, 18A-2-8); and


26.  Subscribe to and pay premiums into the workman’s compensation fund in accordance with state rules and regulations (S L W V, 23-2-1).


Adopted:         July 1976

Clay County Board of Education