File EEB-1 Nutrition Service Debt Collection




Clay County Schools




1.       GENERAL


1.1. Scope. -This policy stipulates the practices, rules, and regulations that school officials shall adhere to with regard to the collection of debts in relation to the child nutrition program. 


          1.2. Filing Date. – February18, 2013


          1.3. Effective Date. – February 18, 2013


2.       PURPOSE


          The purpose of this policy is to establish a method of collecting payment for school lunches from students (parents), staff and other individuals who may participate in school lunches.  This policy is intended only to augment, and not replace, the policies and procedures utilized in the child nutrition program.       




·        All students shall be assigned a student number and staff will be assigned an employee number that shall be used to record appropriate charges for school meals, or additional food items as is appropriate.

·        Some student meals will not be charged, such as after-school meals, universal free breakfasts, universal free lunches, or healthy snacks.  However, when charges are appropriate, the lunch room computer will be used to record such charges to the appropriate student or adult account, all federal and state laws and policies governing the child nutrition program.  

·        In addition, cash will be received as an optional method of payment in keeping with all federal and state laws and policies governing the child nutrition program.    





·        Regular billing, through a centralized billing system, shall occur on a monthly basis as established through the child nutrition program.

·        Bills that are more than 90 days overdue will be accompanied by a written notice requiring payment.

·        Bills that are more than 180 days overdue will be accompanied by a certified letter requiring payment, and including notification of the following:

o   The intent of the Clay County Board of Education to turn unpaid amounts over to the local magistrate for enforcement of payment and/or

o   The intent of the board of education to turn unpaid amounts over to an appropriate collection agency for payment.  

o   It shall be the responsibility of the child nutrition director to determine the appropriate course of action as described above, for bills more than 180 days overdue.

o   It shall be the policy of the Clay County Board of Education to NOT deprive a student from participating in the child nutrition program, when school lunch bills become overdue.

o   This policy does not preclude the use of personal and/or telephone conferences to resolve issues dealing with unpaid lunch bills.



February 4, 2013 – Draft Proposal

February 18, 2013 - Adopted