Rights and Responsibilities

Student Rights and Responsibilities



The Clay County Board of Education and its administration, principals and teachers are given broad authority to control the school and the behavior of students to insure that the educational program proceeds without disruption. State Law 18-5-13 clearly assigns to the Clay County Board of Education the right to control and manage the schools for all school activities. State Law 18a-5-1 states "the teacher shall stand in the place of the parent or guardian in exercising control of all pupils enrolled in the school from the time they reach the school until they have returned to their respective homes ..." The Law further states that when transportation is provided, the bus driver shall have control over the students while they are riding the school bus.


The United States Constitution, the West Virginia Constitution, and state and federal laws guarantee certain rights to individual citizens. Students possess many of these same rights.  However, certain rights possessed by adult citizens do not extend to students.


The West Virginia Board of Education Policy 4373, Chapter 2, Student Rights and Responsibilities shall serve as a guide for students concerning their rights and responsibilities and the rights and responsibilities of school officials.  The Handbook An electronic copy of Policy 4373, Chapter 2, Students Rights and Responsibilities, may be accessed on the West Virginia Department of Education Website.  The school principal shall provide, upon request, assistance to students and/or parents in accessing this information.  shall be placed in the principal's office, the counselor's office, and the library-media center of each Clay County school and shall be made available to students upon request.


Approved: July 1976

Revised: April 6, 1992

Revised:  June 26, 2012