FILE JDAEP Alternative Education and Alternative Learning Center Program






JDAEP-1. General.


1.1 Scope - This policy establishes regulations for alternative education programs for disruptive students.


1.2 Authority - W.Va. Constitution, Article XII, 2; W.Va. Code 18-2-6 and 18-5-19, and WV Board of Education Policy 2418


1.3 Filing Date - February 08, 2005


1.4. Effective Date - February 08, 2005, 2005


JDAEP-2. Applicability.


2.1. These regulations apply solely to alternative educational programs for disruptive students. Nothing in this policy precludes the Clay County Board of Education from operating alternative education programs for non-disruptive students under other State Board of Education policies and/or waivers to State Board of Education policies.


126-20-3. Definition.


3.1. Alternative Education Program - An alternative education program is a temporary authorized departure from the regular school program designed to provide educational and social development for students whose disruptive behavior places them at risk of not succeeding in the traditional school structures and in adult life without positive interventions. Alternative Learning Center (ALC) shall refer to a temporary program for students who are suspended from the regular school setting. The length of the ALC assignment may vary in length, but generally may not exceed 10 days per offense.


126-20-4. Purposes.

4.1. The purposes of these regulations are to: (1) provide a safe and orderly learning environment for the education of all students in the public schools of Clay County, West Virginia and (2) meet the educational needs of disruptive students through the development of alternative education programs.


126-20-5. Flexibility in Program Development.


5.1. Alternative education programs for disruptive students may encompass a range of program options including in-school suspension; a separate part-time or full-time alternative education classroom; a school-within a school; a school on an alternative site; an after school class/night school program; or a combination academic/work-based program. The Clay County Board of Education shall exercise flexibility in developing the type or types of alternative education program options needed to meet the needs of disruptive students in the county. The Clay County Board of Education may request a waiver of State Board of Education policies and regulations in the development and operation of alternative education programs. Such a waiver request does not have to be submitted in accordance with the procedures for requesting waivers stipulated under W.Va. Code 18-5A-3, but may be submitted directly to the State Superintendent of Schools.


5.2. Program flexibility does not extend to modifying the provisions of Policy 2419: Regulations for the Education of Exceptional Students in providing alternative education programs for students with exceptionalities or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


126-20-6. Program Requirements.


6.1. The Clay County Board of Education, in establishing alternative education programs, seeks to meet the following requirements:


6.1 .l. Policies and Procedures - The Clay County Board of Education authorizes the establishment of an alternative education program to provide to provide an authorized departure from the regular school program. The alternative education program shall be designed to provide educational and social development for students whose disruptive behavior places them at risk of not succeeding in traditional school structures.


The Clay County Board of Education procedures for the operation of alternative education programs shall be in accordance with the provisions of this policy. Procedures shall include: the goals of the program; the eligibility criteria and process for placement of students in the program including the composition of the Alternative Education Placement Team which may be an existing school team such as the-Student Assistance Team; the involvement of parents and community agencies; length and time of day the after-hours/night school program operates, if applicable; plan for awarding of credits; behavioral management plan as an alternative to the county's discipline policy, if applicable; the staffing plan, personnel qualifications and class size limits; the criteria for completion of the alternative education program or reentry into regular education; and the performance measures and process for program evaluation. The State Superintendent's approval of this policy has been secured to provide full authorization to operate an alternative education program under these regulations. Goals: Goals for the alternative education program include:


1.) To provide a safe and orderly learning environment for the education of all students in the public schools of Clay County.

2.) To meet the educational needs of disruptive students through the development of alternative educational programs.


6.1.2. Eligibility for Placement in Alternative Education Programs -Notwithstanding the provisions contained in other parts of this policy, all students considered for transfer to an alternative educational setting as part of a disciplinary action must be recommended by the building principal and county superintendent and all recommendations must be approved by the Clay County Board of Education.


Students may be placed in alternative education programs for:


a.       violations of the Productive and Safe Schools Act (W.Va. Code 18A-5-la) in accordance with the provisions of the Act;

b.        repeated violations of the county's discipline policy following documented multiple behavioral interventions by the Student Assistance Team at the referring school; and

c.        continuation of educational services during periods of suspension or expulsion.


6.1.3. Placement of Students in Alternative Education Programs


a.        Placement decisions, excluding short-term in-school suspensions (ALC), shall be made by an - Alternative Education Placement Team, which may be the Student Assistance Team. The school shall provide for the opportunity for parents to participate in the placement team meeting. The parent(s) or guardian of any student placed in the alternative education program will be required to attend an orientation session describing the goals and expectations of the program.

b.       The Alternative Education Placement Team, which may be the Student Assistance Team, shall develop a student's written plan which includes academic courses and behavioral components, criteria for re-entry to the regular school program and provisions for periodic review of the student's progress at least on an annual basis. The team for all students with disabilities shall be the IEP team and the written plan shall be the IEP.


6.1.4. Curriculum


The school shall provide instruction in the alternative education program based upon State Board of Education approved instructional goals and objectives. The curriculum shall also include a component for teaching and learning responsible behavior. All students placed in the alternative education program will be required to complete a community service project. The parent(s) or guardian of the participating student will be encouraged to assist in the completion of community service projects. In addition, the county shall provide for the participation of staff certified in the core subject areas in the development of the academic curriculum and the assessment measures to determine mastery of instructional goals and objectives.


6.1.5. Instruction - Instructional goals will be consistent with the county adopted curriculum and the student's grade level. Instructional practices, while largely non-traditional, will reflect high expectations for students and be climate conducive to learning. The Clay County School District shall deliver instruction in accordance with the following standards:


a.        instructional activities shall be consistent with the written curriculum and appropriate for the students' developmental levels;

b.       instructional materials shall be age appropriate, functionally appropriate, and of high interest level for students;

c.       the program shall provide for individualized instruction and accommodate the entry and exit of students:

d.       curricular and instructional practices shall reflect high expectations for students;

e.        the instructional program shall be delivered in a climate conducive to learning; and

f.        sufficient instructional materials, supplies, and equipment shall be available to deliver the instructional program.

g.       The length of the day in the alternative education program will generally be the same as the length of the regular school day. Variances in the length of days, and hours of instruction may vary as recommended by the alternative education placement team, school principal, and superintendent, and approval by the board of education.

k.       Evaluation:


The procedures which will be utilized to evaluate the effectiveness of the project include analysis of student discipline data at Clay County High School and Clay Middle School, analysis of student dropout data, and analysis of student and parent responses to school effectiveness surveys on indicators describing learning atmosphere. Also included shall be a review of student grades, student discipline reports, and teacher and student responses for those students and teachers participating in the alternative education program.


6.1.6. State Assessment Program - Students enrolled in alternative education programs shall participate in the State Assessment Program, in accordance with State Board of Education Policy 2340: The Statewide Assessment Program. The test scores for these students shall be counted in the results of the home county school of referral.


6.1.7. Support Services - Students in alternative education programs shall receive school counseling services and/or other support services such as school social work or psychological services as indicated in the student's written plan.


6.1.8. Special Education - The Clay County Board of Education shall comply with applicable state and federal laws and regulations in the education of exceptional students placed in alternative education programs.

6.1.9. Personnel


a. Selection Criteria - The Clay Board of Education to select the most qualified applicant(s) to implement the alternative education program. Classroom teachers shall be selected on the basis of the teachers' demonstration of competence in meeting the following standards:


1.  A West Virginia Professional Teaching Certificate;

2.  Ability to manage students who have demonstrated behaviors which do not conform to reasonable regulations regarding behavior;

3.  Mentoring skills

4.  Successful experience working with disruptive youth;

5.  Completion of training in non-traditional instructional approaches;

6.  Completion of training in behavior management techniques.


6.1.10. Licensure


a. West Virginia Professional Teaching Certificate - A teacher assigned to deliver the academic subjects within an alternative education program must possess a West Virginia professional teaching certificate in any area.


b. Temporary Authorization - A Temporary Authorization valid for one year shall be granted to the successful candidate(s) for the alternative education program position(s). The employing county superintendent must verify that the applicant possesses the competencies identified in Section 6.1.9.a. The Temporary Authorization may be renewed each year based on the applicant's continued employment in an alternative education program.


6.1.11. Day-School Programs - Absent expulsion, a student attending an alternative education day school program shall have the opportunity to receive a full-time instructional program-and full instructional day.


6.1.12. After-Hours/Night School Classes - The Clay County Board of Education may elect to provide alternative education programs after regular school hours for expelled students and for students who have repeated serious violations of the county's discipline policy following documented multiple behavioral interventions and out-of-school suspensions. After-Hour/Night School programs shall include the provision of academic coursework and development of social skills/pro-social behavior.

Unless otherwise required by law, regulation, or court order, transportation services for such programs are at the discretion of the county board of education. Generally, after-hour/night school instruction will occur five days a week, Monday through Friday. The instructional day will commence at 4 p.m. and conclude at 7 p.m. Community service activities will occur during non-instructional hours.


6.1.13. Home-Based Programs for Disruptive Students - The Clay County Board of Education may provide home-based programs solely for students expelled under the Productive and Safe Schools Act (W.Va. Code 18A-5-1 a) or for disruptive students who meet the eligibility criteria for Home/Hospital Instruction under State Board of Education Policy 2510 - Assuring the Quality of Education: Regulations for Education Programs.


6.1.14. Units of Credit - The Clay County Board of Education shall grant units of credit for work satisfactorily completed in an alternative education program. Units of credit based upon mastery of performance criteria may be granted as an alternative to the standard units of credit.


6.1.1 5. Program Completion - Students may complete an alternative education program in one of the following manners: (a) fulfillment of the criteria for re-entry into the regular school program; (b) completion of regular high school graduation requirements and awarding of a regular high school diploma from the home county school of referral; (c) completion of identified performance criteria leading to a high school diploma; or (d) completion of a GED in accordance with State Board of Education Policy 2444.4: Issuance of High School Equivalent Diplomas, State of West Virginia.




The Alternative Learning Center will provide an administrative tool which may be utilized to encourage acceptable student behavior.


The Alternative Learning Center will provide these benefits:


1.  The troublesome student will be removed from histher classes for a period of time, thereby providing an improved learning environment for the remainder of the students.

2.  The offending student will be supplied with assignments and receive encouragement to complete the class work he/she might otherwise miss.

3.  Students placed in the Center should dislike the experience and as a result, exercise improved self-control in an effort to avoid a repeat assignment to the Alternative Learning Center.


One teacher will supervise the overall functioning and working mechanics of the ALC and will be in the ALC the entire school day. He/she will be responsible for coordinating the ALC with the school administration. The ALC will not be finished with any supplies or equipment except study cubicles and a pencil sharpener. Students will bring textbooks and supplies and will he totally responsible for such.




1.  To protect the student's right to an education by allowing him/her to remain at school rather than to be suspended for violations of the school discipline code.

2.  To allow the student to complete regular assignments provided by his/her own teachers under the supervision and guidance of ALC teachers.

3.  To allow the student to be returned to his/her classes at the discretion of school administrators and ALC teachers without the need for formal re-instatement: with parent present.

4.  To allow the school to best use its supportive services to help toward solution of the problems which resulted in confinement to the ALC.

5.  To remove the disruptive student from his/her regular classes in order that a better learning situation will be created for other students.




The rules listed in FILE JDAEP Attachment A will be in effect for all students assigned to the ALC. Violation of any rule may result in extended ALC time or other disciplinary action. After reading the ALC rules the student will sign to verify that they understand the guidelines for behavior while assigned to the ALC.


126-20-7. Accountability for Results.


7.1. Annual Program Evaluation - The Clay County Board of Education will conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.


7.2. Accreditation -The State Department of Education shall review compliance with this policy and the effectiveness of alternative education programs through the Performance Based Accreditation System. The alternative education program shall be evaluated on the basis of its stated goals and the provisions of this policy.


7.3. Considerations for Program Evaluation and Accreditation Reviews - The evaluation of the effectiveness of alternative education programs shall focus upon the impact of the program on student performance and results using indicators such as: academic gains; reduction in dropout rates; reduction in incidences requiring disciplinary action; improvement in attendance rates; rates of successful program completion and return to the regular school program; rates of successful completion of vocational training programs; rates of successful completion of high school graduation or attainment of a GED; and rates of successful job placement and job retention.


Approved: August, 1982

Revised: April 6, 1992;

Revised: February 08, 2005



The following guidelines will be in effect for all students assigned to the Alternative Learning Center (ALC). Violation of any rule may result in extended ALC time or other disciplinary action. After reading this contract both student and parent should sign to verify that they understand the guidelines for behavior while assigned to the ALC.


1.  Absolutely no talking is permitted without permission from the ALC supervisor.

2.  Students must work on appropriate subject matter at all times.

3.  All supplies such as pens, pencils, paper, textbooks, etc., will be furnished by the student.

4.  Students may not leave their assigned seats unless permission if is given by the ALC supervisor.

5.  Lunch and/or breakfast will be eaten in the ALC. Students may bring a lunch from home or purchase a school lunch. Talking and other activities are not permitted during lunch or breakfast. Lunch and breakfast are the only times that eating is allowed in the ALC.

6.  Gum, mints, etc. are not permitted in the ALC.

7.  At the direction of the ALC supervisor, students will be given the opportunity to use the restroom facilities.

8.  100% of the class periods constitute one day in this program (plus lunch time, breakfast time, etc.). If a student becomes ill during the day or leaves school for any reason and misses more than one period, he/she may make up missed work by serving an extra day in the ALC.

9.  A student must complete the total number of days they are assigned to the ALC even though they may be absent from school during this period of time.

10.The ALC student is excluded from all extracurricular activities and assemblies, day and night, until they return to regular classes.

11.Immediately upon arrival at school, the ALC student will report directly to the ALC with all work materials.

12.ALC students will exit the school grounds immediately after school dismissal and may not return until the following school day.

13.Students must remain in the ALC until all assignments have been completed to the satisfaction of the ALC supervisor. Any assignments not done neatly, correctly, and completely must be done a second time or until they are approved by the ALC supervisor.

14.Students will be given an additional day of ALC for each day this form is not returned signed by both student and parent and guardian. A signature does not necessarily indicate agreement with the ALC or the rules, but is only an indication that all rules have been read and are understood. Parents should call the school if they have any questions, (587-4226).

15.Check the walls, floor, and the desk where you are seated. If there are any marks on the walls, floor, or desk, please note them in the space below. If marks appear while you are assigned to this space you will be asked to clean them off before you leave the ALC and you will be given additional ALC time.






















Signature of Student: _______________________________ Date______________


Signature of Parent/Guardian: _______________________ Date______________


Signature of ALC Supervisor: _______________________ Date______________