
SDR# - en inglés leido SDRSharp- es otro programa para windows que funciona con el RTL2832 y permite la recepción de FM ancha. Se puede descargar de:

Se descomprime en un directorio. El samplerate está fijo a 2.048 Msps y el sintonizador está con el control de ganancia automático activado. Lo mejor es que ahora SI hay control completo del sintonizador por lo que podéis escudriñar sin problemas la banda de 23 cm.

Con Windows xp el sdrsharp funciona perfectamente y para que funcione con ExtIO y con el TDT, hay que poner en su directorio las siguientes librerías:

ExtIO_USRP.dll, librtl2832++.dll, libusb-1.0.dll, libursp.dll y uhd.dll.

Una vez hecho esto, hay que seleccionar como frontend, USRP.

poner todos los parametros del USRP, luego frecuencias de trabajo y la tarjeta de sonido que uses con su sampler correspondiente y a funcionar.

El "truco" parece estar en añadir buflvl=0 al device hint, quedando así:

RTL tuner=e4k readlen=262144 buflvl=0

También funciona el SDR Sharp poniendo los parámetros RTL tuner=e4k readlen=262144 buflvl=0

RTL tuner=e4k readlen=1048576 buf=265535, dependiendo del PC.


1- Pincháis el TDT al ordenador por primera vez y le dejáis que diga todo eso de nuevo hardware detectado y tal... Si reconoce el dispositivo e instala algún driver, bien. Y si no, pues también. Simplemente esperad a que acabe sea cual sea el resultado.

2- Bajáis el programa Zadig desde esta dirección:

Bajad la última versión que encontréis en esa web. Este programa simplemente lo que va a hacer es instalar un driver "genérico" que nos va a permitir acceder al TDT a nuestro antojo. Para ello solo debéis descomprimirlo y arrancarlo.

En su menú Options seleccionad List all devices. Una vez hecho esto, en el desplegable aparecerá la lista de dispositivos USB de nuestro sistema. Entre ellos aparecerá nuestro receptor TDT, aunque el nombre bajo el que aparezca puede ser diferente. Si el TDT es un dispositivo compuesto (por ejemplo algunos de los que vienen con receptor de infrarrojos) aparecerán dos. En este caso el bueno será el que presenta el valor de MI igual cero.

Una vez que esteis seguros de que habeis seleccionado el dispositivo correcto (y que este aparece con el valor de MI igual a 00 si es que lo tiene), aseguraos que en Target esté seleccionado WinUSB y pulsad el botón Install Driver. Comenzará la instalación del driver y puede que os aparezca un aviso del sistema quejándose que el driver no está firmado, o que no puede autentificar el editor de software del controlador o cualquier otra milonga de Windows:

Ni caso, que instale el driver de todas formas. Puede tardar un ratito, a si que no os pongáis nerviosos. Si la selección del dispositivo fue correcta, os sacará un mensaje con The driver was installed successfully., le dais a Close, cerráis la ventana de Zadig y ya está.

3- Una vez hecho esto, bajad la última versión de desarrollo del programa SDR#. La versión de desarrollo siempre está aquí:

Descomprimidla en algún directorio vacío y ejecutad SDRSharp.exe

4- Una vez arrancado SDR#, en la esquina superior del programa veréis Front End (botón) y un desplegable. En el desplegable seleccionad RTL-SDR / RTL2832U, y una vez seleccionado, pulsad en Front End. Allí seleccionar la velocidad de sampleo (Entre 1 y 2 Msps es perfecto para empezar y la ganancia de RF del sintonizador que deseéis (automático está bien para empezar)

5- Dadle al Play.

SDR# es un programa muy nuevo y que aun está en fase de desarrollo, pero ha alcanzado un nivel de madurez impresionante. Ahora mismo es el único capaz de sacarles el máximo jugo a los receptores TDT. Es tan nuevo que aun no hay un manual del programa pero os aseguro que tampoco os hará falta: Es totalmente intuitivo.

Y como está en fase de desarrollo, todos los días hay novedades. Incluso es normal que en el transcurso de unas pocas horas se publiquen cuatro o cinco versiones con novedades y nuevas funcionalidades así como solución de problemas, por lo que básicamente nos toca bajarnos todos los días el fichero para ver las novedades.

Por último, SDR# como su nombre indica está escrito en C#, por lo que es necesario tener instalado el .Net Framework en el PC, cosa que ya tendréis todos vosotros.


A partir de la versión, SDR# incluye decodificador estéreo para WFM.

El uso como panadapter es muy simple. Se conecta la salida de IF de la ft2000/ft950 al tdt, que se sintoniza en 69.450 y ves la frecuencia que tengas sintonizada en la ft2000 +- 2Mhz.

SDR# (SDRSharp) Set Up Guide (Tested on Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 32/64 Bit)

    1. Purchase an RTL-SDR dongle. The cheapest and best for most applications is the R820T/R820T2 dongle. Information on purchasing one can be found here.

    2. SDRSharp is the easiest and most commonly used software defined radio software receiver for the RTL-SDR. Go to and find the download button. Click the download button to download

    3. Note that you must have the Microsoft .NET 3.5 redistributable installed to use SDRSharp. Most modern Windows PCs should already have this installed by default, but older PCs running XP may need this to be installed in order to run SDR#.

    4. Extract (unzip) to a folder.

    5. Double click on install.bat from within the extracted folder. This will start a command prompt that will download SDRSharp and all the files required to make SDRSharp work with RTL-SDR. Everything will be placed into a new folder within the sdr-install folder called “sdrsharp”. The command prompt will automatically close when it is done.

    6. Plug in your dongle and do not install any of the software that it came with (if any), but ensure you let plug and play finish attempting to install it. If you’ve already installed the software drivers that came on the CD bundled with some dongles, uninstall them first.

    7. Open the newly created sdrsharp folder. Find the file zadig.exe. Right click this file and select “Run as administrator” if using Windows Vista/7/8. If you are using Windows XP, download and run the XP version from this page.

    8. In Zadig, go to “Options->List All Devices” and make sure this option is checked.

    9. Select “Bulk-In, Interface (Interface 0)” from the drop down list. Ensure that WinUSB is selected in the box next to where it says Driver. (Note on some PCs you may see something like RTL2832UHIDIR or RTL2832U instead of the bulk in interface. This is also a valid selection). (Do not select “USB Receiver (Interface 0)” however).

    10. Click Install Driver. You might get a warning that the publisher cannot be verified, but just accept it by clicking on Install this driver software anyway. This will install the drivers necessary to run the dongle as a software defined radio. Note that you may need to run zadig.exe again if you move the dongle to another USB port, or want to use two or more dongles together.

    11. Open SDRSharp.exe. Set the drop down box at the top next to the Play button to ‘RTLSDR / USB’. Press Play. Your rtl-sdr software radio should now be set up and ready to use! If everything has worked you should be able to start tuning to frequencies.

    12. Important! Don’t forget to also adjust the RF gain settings by pressing the Configure button (looks like a cog) up the top near the Play button. By default the RF gain is set at zero. A gain of zero will probably receive nothing but very strong broadcast FM – increase the gain until you start seeing other signals.


  • I get the error “No compatible devices found” when trying to start the dongle in SDR#

    • Long low quality USB extension cables can sometimes cause this error. Some USB 3.0 ports are also incompatible with the dongle and cause this error. One user has had luck with this error by installing zadig from safe mode. Finally, there is a small chance that the dongle is actually faulty. If the dongle produces the same error on multiple computers the dongle is probably faulty and should be refunded or replaced.

  • I get the error “1 compatible devices have been found but are all busy”

    • To fix this it may be necessary to reinstall the drivers via zadig and to try every USB port on the PC. You may want to also try disconnecting all other USB devices connected to the PC. Also some USB 3.0 ports are buggy, switch to a USB 2.0 port. Some users have also had success with installing everything from Windows safe mode. Make sure you are not selecting the “USB Receiver (Interface 0)” in zadig, and instead are selecting the Bulk in interface, or one that may say RTL2838UHIDIR or something else prefixed with RTL. If you don’t see this make sure that “Options->List All Devices” is checked and that “Ignore Hubs or Composite Parents” is unchecked.Another thing to try may be to disable Windows automatic driver installation. Instructions for disabling this can be found here. This error also sometimes occurs after the computer has been suspended – to fix it simply disconnect and reconnect the dongle.

  • Zadig takes a long time to install the driver, then fails

    • You have probably not run zadig in administrator mode. Make sure to right click zadig, and select “Run as Administrator”.

  • I don’t see Bulk-In, Interface (Interface 0)

    • Ensure “Options->List All Devices” is checked and that “Ignore Hubs or Composite Parents” is unchecked. Some people report seeing something else other than the bulk in interface. It may also show up as the brand of your dongle or something prefixed with “RTL”. This option should work too. In rare cases you may receive a faulty dongle that will not show up in Zadig no matter what USB port or computer you try it on. You should ask for a replacement in this case.

  • I don’t see RTL-SDR/USB in SDRSharp

    • You may have downloaded a version without rtl-sdr support. Check that you have downloaded the official version from the website.

  • USB 3.0 ports don’t work

    • Unfortunately many USB 3.0 controllers are buggy and don’t work with some devices. Generally, USB 3.0 works fine with the RTL-SDR, but there are some controllers that will just not recognise the dongle. In this case use a USB 2.0 port instead.

  • When running install.bat I get errors on the command line like “The system cannot find the file specified” and the sdrsharp folder is not downloaded

    • This is probably because you did not unzip the files and you are trying to run install.bat from within the zip file. Make sure you extract or move the unzip.exe, install.bat and httpget.exe files out of the zip file into another folder, before running install.bat.

  • When I run install.bat a CMD/DOS window flashes on the screen briefly then disappears. Nothing is installed.

    • There seems to be a bug or misconfiguration with some versions of Windows where batch files cannot be run. One way around this is to install SDR# and the RTL-SDR drivers manually. We have instructions for this here:

  • Zadig gives “System policy has been modified to reject unsigned drivers” error in Windows 8

    • Windows 8 can cause signed driver issues with zadig. Some users report getting the error “System policy has been modified to reject unsigned drivers”. To solve this download and use the newer Zadig version 2.1 from here. (The newer SDR# install.bat downloads with Zadig 2.1 automatically)

  • Reception in SDR# seems very poor/receiver is insensitive

    • Make sure you have increased the RF gain slider which can be accessed by clicking on the configure button. Also, in poor reception areas using the stock antenna indoors may not be sufficient. First test with the antenna placed up high outside. In some cases with the stock antenna the connection to the antenna can become disconnected in the antenna base causing unexpectedly poor reception. In rare cases if you still cannot receive anything and another radio can, then you may have received a broken dongle and should ask for a replacement.

  • SDR# gives error “Application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135). Click OK to terminate.”

  • SDR# gives error “Object reference not not to an instance of an object”

    • This may mean that you do not have an audio driver properly installed on your PC, or that you do not have any output audio devices enabled. Enable them in the windows Sound Playback properties.

  • The dongle constantly disconnects from the USB port

    • First test to make sure that it is not the fault of a dodgy USB extension cable by plugging the dongle directly into the PC. If it still disconnects often the dongle may be faulty and you should ask for a replacement.

  • The dongle won’t connect and the LED does not illuminate on models with an LED

    • The dongle is faulty and should be refunded or replaced.

  • It seems that my PC is not powerful enough to run SDR# as it uses near 100% CPU

    • For graphical GUI SDR software like SDR#, at least a dual core processor is recommended. If you have a borderline decent CPU and still experience high CPU usage, try reducing the sample rate to 1 Msps or less, reducing the FFT display resolution (or turning it off), turning off Correct IQ and reducing the filter order.

  • I used zadig but it broke my keyboard/mouse/other device somehow

    • This is because you probably clicked the install button in Zadig after selecting the wrong device in the drop down menu. Make sure you select the correct RTL-SDR device, (Bulk-In Interface, Interface 0) first. Zadig overwrites previous drivers. To get the old drivers back you should be able to do so in Windows device manager, update driver software.

  • My R820T2 RTL-SDR shows up as an R820T when I run the diagnostic tool rtl_test

    • The R820T2 and R820T are identical electronically except for some minor changes in the maximum IF filter widths. The different filters may be the reason the R820T2 has better performance. Thus a R820T2 will show up as an R820T on the PC, since there is no distinction between them in the digital part of the circuit. You can confirm that you have a R820T2 by checking the markings on the chip.

If you continue to have issues please feel free to post in the troubleshooting section of our Forums.

How to set the Gain

The gain can be adjusted in SDR# by clicking on the Configure button which looks like a cog. When tuning the RF gain you are trying to get the signal as strong as possible, whilst keeping the noise floor as low as possible. Start with a low gain setting, and slowly increase the gain slider. Watch in the frequency spectrum as the signal strength increases, but stop just before the point at which the noise floor starts to rise.

The noise floor is the part of the frequency spectrum where there are no signals.

SDRSharp Plugins

The official list of SDRSharp plugins can be found here and our unofficial list of plugins can be found here.

SDRSharp Guide

A good guide to learning how to use SDRSharp and what all the options do can be found here. Another great illustrated guide can be found here.