Pink and White Two-Tiered Ombre Cake

Pink and White Two-Tiered Ombre Cake

    • Two 8-inch layers of cake

    • Two 6-inch layers of cake

    • White buttercream, vanilla or flavored (this technique uses a LOT of buttercream, in addition to this being a big cake - to use my recipe, multiply it by 9 or 10x)

    • pink food coloring (or other color) - I used Americolor "Soft Pink"

    • piping bags

    • open star tip (Wilton # 22)

Assembly and Decorating Instructions:

    1. Cool the cakes completely, and level the tops, if needed.

    2. (If keeping the cake tiers separated, as in the picture, you'll need to frost each separately, on their own cake boards, and then support the smaller cake on wooden skewers or cake separators. If you have no need of keeping the top tier separate, simply stack all the cakes and frost on one cake board.)

    3. Place one 8-inch cake on a 10-inch cake board. Frost the top of the cake with a 1/4 inch layer of buttercream. Repeat with the 2nd 8-inch cake. Repeat with the 6-inch cake layers.

    4. Frost the cake all over with a very crumb coat layer of buttercream; refrigerate for 15 minutes.

    5. Fill a piping bag fitted with the star tip with buttercream (at this point, you have not added any food coloring yet). Starting at the top, pipe a swirl of frosting in the center of the cake. Pipe swirls all over the top of the cake, then pipe one row of swirls around the top edge of the cake. Fill in any gaps with smaller swirls or stars. Squeeze out any remaining buttercream back into the bowl.

    6. Add a drop of food coloring to the bowl and mix it in; the frosting should be tinted a very pale shade. Fill the piping bag again, and pipe another row of swirls under the first row. Squeeze out any remaining buttercream back into the bowl.

    7. Add another drop of food coloring to the bowl and fix it in; the frosting should be every so slightly darker than before. Repeat this process, piping a row and then tinting the frosting gradually darker until you've reached the bottom of the cake. There should be a graduation of color from the top to the bottom.

    8. Refrigerate for 30 minutes, then cover and store at room temperature until ready to serve.

Design by Curly Girl Kitchen