Cedar Plank Salmon

Cedar Plank Salmon

    • a large salmon filet (about 1 1/2 - 2 pounds)

    • salt and pepper

    • a cedar plank (available at most grocery stores on the "grilling" or seasonal aisle)

Place the cedar plank in a large baking pan or sheet and cover with water. The package says to soak for at least 1 hour, but we soaked ours for 2 1/2 hours and it still got too dry on the grill.

When you are ready to grill, season the salmon with salt and pepper. Place the salmon directly on the cedar plank, then place the plank on the grill. Grill until cooked to your liking - we like ours medium rare.

Top the fish with a dab of the lemon basil butter and serve with vegetables.

Original Blog Post: Homemade Sweet Cream Lemon Basil Butter and Cedar Plank Salmon