Blueberry, Yogurt and Coconut Milk Popsicles

Note: Any berries or small pieces of cut fruit could be used instead of the blueberries. You could also combine the recipes, using one cup each of yogurt and coconut milk, for a delicious combination of flavors...

Blueberry Yogurt Popsicles

    • 2 cups Greek yogurt

    • 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen

    • lemon juice, vanilla extract, or other extracts, if desired

Combine all ingredients in a bowl. If adding lemon juice, add it conservatively, as it can be very tart without any added sugar in the mixture.

Spoon the mixture into your popsicle molds, and tap the molds against the counter to release any air bubbles. Insert the popsicle sticks. Freeze until solid, then run molds under lukewarm water to release the popsicles.

Yields about 6-8 popsicles, depending on the size of your molds.

Blueberry Coconut Milk Popsicles

    • 1 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen

    • 2 cups coconut milk

    • flavored extract, if desired

Place popsicles sticks in your molds, and drop in the blueberries to hold the stick in place. Pour the coconut milk into the molds, and tap the molds against the counter to release any air bubbles. Freeze until solid, then run molds under lukewarm water to release the popsicles.

Yields about 6-8 popsicles, depending on the size of your molds.

Recipe from Curly Girl Kitchen