Lemon Icebox Pie Milkshake

Lemon Icebox Pie Milkshake

· 2 large scoops vanilla bean ice cream

· 1 ounce cream cheese

· 2 tablespoons lemon juice

· 1 teaspoon lemon zest

· ¼ - ½ cup milk

· 2 tablespoons crumbled shortbread cookies or graham crackers

· Maraschino cherry

In a blender, combine the ice cream, cream cheese, lemon juice, lemon zest and milk, and blend until smooth and creamy; start with less milk and add more as needed.

Spoon half the graham cracker crumbs in the bottom of a glass, pour the milkshake over the crumbs, and top with more crumbs and a cherry.

Yields 1 serving

Recipe from Curly Girl Kitchen