Mint Chocolate and Frozen Coconut Milk Milkshake

Mint Chocolate and Frozen Coconut Milk Milkshake

    • 4-6 frozen coconut milk ice cubes

    • 1 banana, peeled, sliced and frozen

    • 1 cup cold milk, any kind (I used unsweetened almond milk)

    • 20 fresh mint leaves

    • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

  • green food coloring, optional

    • 2 tablespoons chocolate chips

Note: Instead of freezing coconut milk, you could also freeze Greek yogurt or any other kind of milk.

Pour unsweetened coconut milk into ice cube trays and freeze. One can (14 ounces) makes about 16 ice cubes.

In a blender, blend 6 coconut milk ice cubes with the frozen banana, milk, mint, vanilla and food coloring until smooth. Add the chocolate chips and pulse a couple of times.

Yields 2 servings

Recipe from Curly Girl Kitchen