From the Principal 

Welcome to the 2022 School Year!  It is with great joy that I welcome you to a great start of the year at Leawood Elementary.  I recently retired in May and when Mrs. Sheehan accepted a position at the Ed Center, I was called to fill in as your interim principal for the year. This year I begin my 29th year in education and I'm excited to be serving this incredible community. I am looking forward to working alongside such hard-working, dedicated, knowledgeable teachers and staff.  During the last week, I have seen our staff hold high expectations and raise the bar for themselves, their colleagues, and our students. 

Today, we held our first school wide assembly to discuss safety. We reviewed Leawood's expectations of being respectful, responsible and safe! Feel free to watch and review with your child at home. 

Leawood encourages all families to be involved in and stay informed about your child’s education! One way to establish positive connections and a greater impact is by joining our Parent/Teacher/Student Association (PTSA) and/or our School Accountability Committee (SAC.)  Our first SAC meeting is Wednesday, Sept 28th from 6:00-8:00pm via Google Meet. Our next PTSA meeting is Wednesday, September 21st from 6:00-7:30pm on Google Meet as well. Our format for PTSA meetings starts with updates and how you can get involved, and then the bulk of the meeting is a Parent Learning Night.  See the PTSA page in this newsletter for more information. Links will be sent out right before the meetings, so check your emails. Please refer to our school website for more information including meeting agendas. 

PTSA has been a driving force in getting classroom technology, raising money for our new marquee, providing additional supports to our teachers, and supporting our school beautification initiatives. 

This year, some of SAC’s accomplishments include: healthy school initiatives, setting academic goals based on our data, traffic and parking lot safety, student-based budgeting recommendations, and improved school to home communication, particularly when it comes to student social emotional health.

Please don’t hesitate to share your thoughts regarding your child’s school success. Your concerns, ideas, and positive comments are appreciated and respected. Communication is vital to their success and to our overall growth and sense of community here at Leawood. Several years ago, Accountability worked to create this Leawood Concern Flow Chart of where to turn when you have concerns.  Please print it out and access it in times of need.  My door is always open and I'm happy to meet with parents at any time.  We want to be proud of our school and our students. 

For lots more information, be sure to check out our website at Leawood Elementary Webpage  and like us on Facebook HERE

Warmest Regards,  

Mrs. Hoefner



If you are interested in being a Leawood Crossing Guard, Jefferson County requires all staff and volunteers to take a crosswalk training before they can report for duty. View the training presentation and then take the test here: Link to test  You must score at least an 80% to be qualified, so please inquire your score before signing up.  You can review the presentation and take the test as many times as you'd like.

Remember to arrive in the office around 8:40 in order to get your vest and walkie talkie for crosswalk duty, and be in your assigned crosswalk by 8:45. Your student(s) may not be in the crosswalk with you.  Have them wait on the grass in front of the school.

All crossing guards are required to sign a Workers Comp Waiver as well.  Please leave with the office staff.

We're still looking for a Magnificent Mom to head up our new Marvelous Mom volunteer program.  Please let us know if you're interested. Top Dog, Matt Goman, continues as lead of our Watch Dog Dad Program.

Pizza Information Night

Tues, September 13 @ 6:30pm in the Leawood Library

Sign Up NOW: Fall 2022 WDD SignUp

Please be sure to download this updated Leawood 2022-23 Calendar.  

Changes to the 2022-23 District Calendar

As a result of the negotiations between the district and our teacher association, there will be additional non-student contact days and late start days for students. Educators will use these planning days to work on tasks relevant to their positions that benefit student learning. 

Additional Non-Student Contact Days for Elementary and K-8 Schools Only

2-Hour Delay for Teacher Time PK-12 (all district-managed schools)