Pickleball is a Big Dill

By: Sydney Dawson

Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports right now. The sport started gaining momentum in 2020 during COVID-19 after many team sports became off-limits, pickleball was one of the only sports people could play together safely.

Interviewing Freshman and pickleball player, Abby Hollingshead, says “I’ve been playing for maybe a year. I definitely would recommend others to play for all skill levels and ages. The seasons are pretty much anytime, in the winter just wear warmer clothes, and in the summer wear cool clothes.” Pickleball is a wide-ranging sport for many others with different skill levels to play at any time of the year.

Another Freshman, Ava Brophy said “I would play it. I have watched pickleball before for a little bit” Pickleball is a trendy sport for many people. You can play with friends or family and it’s a year-long sport.

If you are interested in playing pickleball, there are many places to try it. The Fruita Rec center offers pickleball at limited times depending on the week, Lincoln Park, or the CMU tournaments. It’s a great sport to do with friends or to get competitive and start playing more seriously! It’s good for all skill levels and ages!

A pickleball game going on. Courtesy of US Sports camp