Food from School

Best and Worst Food From School

Samantha Doudy

The school food is good but can also improve tremendously. I say this because some of the food is good enough to eat but other food is gross looking and that makes kids not want to eat it. Some kids also think that the food is better than most food that they have. 

Foods that are the worst are PB&J’s, bronco burgers, hotdogs, meatball subs, grilled cheese and tomato soup, and the mac n’ cheese with smokies. These are the worst foods at school because anything that will have bread gets soaked before you get to your seat, and the cheese is not good. The bronco burgers are not cooked all the way through, the PB&J is frozen and then re-heated which makes the bread soggy and that is gross. The mac and cheese has so much pepper in it that you can smell it, that is how you know that that is too much pepper. Lastly, the hot dogs are fake meat which is too gross to think about when you are about to eat that. These foods could be easily fixed but some people like it how it is. Some of the sides are also gross but nobody really eats that. 

The best foods are the Frito chili, mashed potato bowl, Pizza Hut pizza, and the bean burrito. These are the best because the Fritoes mix perfectly with the chili and that is the best lunch to have even though we don't have it that often. The mashed potato bowls are just good all the way through especially when it comes with bread because it mixes perfectly. The bean burritos are just good, there's no way to explain why it's okay but it is. Pizza Hut pizza is great but sometimes it can be gross, overall though it is exceptional. 

There are some foods that I don’t mind eating like breakfast for lunch (even if we have no syrup) but most of it I would rather not eat if I didn’t have to but I’m not complaining about most of it, just the food in paragraph two. Many students have commented saying, “The school food is the most disgusting food ever,” but others say that it is good. There are mixed emotions on the school food but these opinions are mine and what I think is good, bad, and mostly okay.

This is a photo taken at school. Found on google.