Construction in Fruita

Cody Clawson

The road next to the Fruita 8/9 that has construction              Samantha Doudy

     The construction in Fruita has been one of the biggest inconveniences in town. People in Fruita believe the construction must end soon so they can go to school on time and so people can get to work on time.


      Many people in Fruita have been affected by the construction including staff and students. “It's hard with it because it doesn't let you go anywhere on time,” said Mrs Basham. Her saying this shows how it impacts the daily life of school teachers, however even students have been affected by it.


      Many people such as Mason Rayside and even Mrs Basham, have explained their stances and opinions. They have said getting to work and school on time is much harder. Because of the construction traffic is higher and so are time delays because multiple companies are trying to install fiber internet.


     Students in Fruita have been severely affected by it too. “It affects me because it is a big inconvenience” Mason Rayside has explained in an interview, this actively demonstrated how construction in Fruita has not only impacted school teachers but even the students inside Fruita because of how time has been delayed.


     Fruita construction disrupts not only students and staff but nearly every member of the community who has to commute. The students and staff have said just how big of a problem this construction is, and how it continues to rise. The people of Fruita want the construction to slow down so community members can reach their destination on time.