(9) Girls Soccer

By: Hailey Hendershot

If you are interested in Girls soccer, Girls Soccer begins practice on February 26th, 2024, The last game of theirs will be May 7th 2024. It is a wonderful opportunity to get out in the sun, be active and make new friends. Practices are out by the bus loops at the highschool right after school. 

“Im looking forward to learning new things that I might've not known before, but i'm not looking forward to practicing in bad weather. I'm most excited to play Junction.” Dahlia Deleon 9th grader. She's excited to learn this season but doesnt wanna take on the challenges of the weather. But as stated is willing to put in the practice to be able to defeat school rival Grand Junction. 

“I'm super excited for games, but I don't want to do conditioning. And I'm excited to play junction. Kenna Celeyta 9th grader looks forward to the games but hates conditioning and is also excited to play Grand Junction. 

Remember to attend practice if you are playing soccer, on February 26th 2024. If you are looking for any additional information about the season, Mr. Johnson is the head coach and is ready to answer any questions. We look forward to watching your sick moves!