Wrestling Season is Going Good

By: Anna Dedduang

This February the Fruita 7th and 8th graders began their wrestling season. It's off to a great start with all our athletes putting in lots of effort to make our Fruita team look good. They've had 4 meets and their tournament is on March 13, 2024.

With many students participating in wrestling this year, they will only have 2 matches with people in their weight division. Alina Galendez has been wrestling for a year and says “ I like wrestling because I think it helps with self-defense skills that can be useful in the future if like you or a loved one was in trouble,”. Being experienced in some sort of self-defense can pay off in the if something dangerous ever were to occur. Simple things such as taking someone to the ground can make a huge difference later in life.

Competing and playing a solo sort of sport may seem like there are not as many team bonding or leadership opportunities. Still, according to the Wrestling Hall of Fame, it says “A wrestling room can create an environment where leaders emerge. You will quickly see young athletes push each other, teach each other, and support one another,”. Having sideline support can be enough to keep a player going through a tough match. During practices more experienced wrestlers will take time to give little tips and tricks to help improve their teammate's next match.

Wrestlers must learn many skills such as pinning, tumbling, takedowns, building strength, and much more. Coaches are vital and needed for young wrestlers to perfect certain skills before going into a match. Coach Hoisington, a Fruita Monument High School teacher who has been coaching wrestling for 16 years recommends wrestling because My favorite part of coaching is building relationships with the kids and watching them grow.”. One of the best parts of sports is watching the improvement made across the whole season. 

 The last day of the tournament is the 13th at the Fruita Monument High School so go see and support your Fruita athletes in their hard work and effort to keep Fruita's reputation good. The season has been great with lots of improvement and new bonds made with wrestlers from all backgrounds, so wish and congratulate all your Fruita wrestlers on their excellent season and for good luck at their tournament tonight.

Two wrestlers ready to rumble.  Photo Courtesy of (Anna Dedduang).