The Unfairness of the Tardy Policy 

By: Alize Martinez

The topic of tardies is something students often conversate about and whether they like or dislike the way the tardy system is set up. Students have a four-minute hall break before they have to be in class. If they are not in class by the time the bell rings, they could get lunch detention or a tardy warning. 

This policy is unfair because more than four minutes is needed to get things done.There are many reasons that students might need more than four minutes to get to class: If we have a locker far away from the class that we  left from and need to get there, or if we are busy with things that aren't related to schoolwork, like personal issues, or if we are in a situation with a teacher or if we are in the bathroom, it is unfair that we get in trouble when there is only a four-minute break. It doesn't give people enough time to do what they need to do. 

The students of Fruita 8/9 have a lot of opinions about the tardy policy. Here is what they had to say. According to 9th grader Shama Mckew, “Kids should be on time and get to class” She doesn’t think that the system is unfair., 

Other students feel differently. 9th grader Makya Shaffer says, “I think it’s dumb because kids should get more passes,”. 

It seems that the majority of the school disagrees with the tardy policy and thinks it is unfair. Personally, I believe that the tardy policy isn't a good decision in a whole because it doesn't give me enough time personally to get ready for my next class and/or go to the bathroom or do personal things I need to do like go to counselors etc.