Should Kids Get Paid For School? 

By: Alecia Valdez

Should kids get paid for going to school? I mean sure it would be nice to be paid, but how would we get paid for it? Would we get paid for grades, attendance, or good behavior? Should kids get the money or the school keep it towards college? I believe that we should get paid for good grades. I think that the office should keep the money for graduation or college.

I think people should get paid $25 for every end-of-semester grade that's an A+. If the kids have great behavior then they should be able to have off-campus lunch. 

9th grader Aaliyah Roscio agrees that students should get paid for going to school. She states, “Yes, it's hard to wake up in the morning and go for nothing. It's hard to work for free like any other adult. Not for behavior, but for grades, like an adult whose work gets them paid. Our work should get us paid.” Paying students would increase our hard work. It will also discourage cheating for correct answers because we would actually want to try.

However, Sophia Snyder a Fruita 8/9 8th grader disagrees. She states, “No, because they are giving us free education and teachers get paid for us to have a good future. There are people in this world who do not have free education. I think that it would be unfair to those without education.”  She did say that, if everyone in the world had free education, she believes that schools should start paying kids to build up for their college. 

I believe that schools should encourage the students and make them want to try. If I were in charge, I would do anything in my power to make kids like doing something other than being on their phone. I also believe that school doesn’t have enough hands-on activities. In addition to paying kids for school, schools could add in more activities that make students want to attend. 

What do you think? Should kids get paid for going to school? What would they get paid for? Would kids act better or not? Would they have a more positive attitude towards school if they were paid to go? 

The Therapy Center