Monster, Pteranodon

Known to the natives of the Eastern Continent as the "Crested Leatherwing." While not true dinosaurs or birds, they can be thought of as leather-winged predatory birds that may see humans as prey or intruders. Pterandon species may range in size from the size of condor with a wingspan of 10-12 feet (3-3.6 m) to twice the size of a man, with a wingspan of up to 60 feet. The pteranodon is the most well-known, but many variations and mutations can be found in diverse areas.

The Pterandon of the Western Continent are normally cliff-dwelling as well as making their nest atop precipices. But they are also content to roost in the ruins of tall buildings, crashed aircraft or in tall trees. Prey for the largest and the most aggressive of these reptiles includes humans, horses, cattle, deer, and small dinosaurs, as well as carrion. The winged behemoths typically swoop down from above to snatch up their earthbound prey in their taloned feet or large beak, lined with crooked teeth like a crocodile. Unlike their actual prehistoric counterparts, their arms are part of their gigantic wings, like those of a bat, their fingers are quite articulated and used to climb, scale the walls of cliffs and buildings, and tear apart their prey.

The flying reptiles vary in color, but most are shades of green, brown, tan or gray.

Alignment: Neutral.

Attributes: I.Q. 2D4 (medium animal intelligence), M.E. 2D4, M.A. 3D4. P.S. 28+2D6, P.P. 1D6+18