Power, Were-Creature Physiology

A sort of were-beast, the hero transforms into one particular type of predatory creature such as a lion, tiger, panther, wolf, coyote, canine, bear, Komodo dragon, alligator, shark, eagle, hawk, bat (most are insectivores that prey on insects), and so on. (Most predators are suitable choices, and predator/scavengers such as jackals, dogs, hyenas, badgers, weasels, etc.,

Partial transformation is a humanoid version of the beast like the Wolfman. This half-man, half-animal form allows speech and intelligent human thought along with a humanoid shape and fighting capabilities (can carry and use weapons, operate machines, etc.) with animal instincts and many of the animal's abilities (a were-hawk may not have full wings to fly, but may glide for example, while a wolf-man may run fast but not at the speed of an actual wolf.)

In humanoid-animal form, the character has the equivalent of Supernatural Strength, Spd attribute is increased 50%, and he has most of the animal's natural powers and abilities, but also retains his human intellect, skills, emotions and ability to speak. He can also use any of his other super-abilities or cast magic but at half their usual potency; reduce damage, range, duration, etc., by half.

Complete animal transformation sees the character tum into a 25-50% larger version of the actual animal, like a true wolf that runs on all fours or a hawk that flies. Except for the larger size and more intelligent glint in the eyes, an observer can't tell the hero from an ordinary animal.

In full animal form, the character has the equivalent of Supernatural Strength, Spd attribute is tripled, leaping distance is doubled, + 1 attack per melee, + 1 on initiative, + 1 to strike and dodge, and has all the powers and abilities of the animal. He retains a portion of his human intellect, but animal instinct, blood lust and savagery are now a powerful influence that may, at times, override logic, reason and restraint. The character can speak, but does so in a guttural animalistic voice and in simple, broken sentences. Human skills are performed at half the character's usual ability and emotions are raw, visceral and on the surface. In full animal form the hero can NOT use any of his other super-abilities or powers, use psionics, cast magic, use handheld weapons or devices, or operate machines.